

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Never before in my life have I ever seen anyone work so hard and for so long, who wasted so much time, effort and money to accomplish that which they wanted so badly that they could actually taste it, only to come up so completely empty, as did the Democrats in their unrelenting quest to not only remove President Trump from office but to also prevent Donald Trump from ever again running for public office. And I only say that because former President Trump’s popularity is still soaring high among Republicans, at least according to a poll released Tuesday. Ya, ya, I know!

You see, it was a recent YouGov/Economist poll, that found the former president’s favorability rating is 87 percent among members of the Republican Party, while just 12 percent viewed the 45th president unfavorably. Now what this does show is that Donald Trump still holds a significant level of control over just where it is that the Republican Party goes from here, if for no other reason his endorsement of candidates will still carry a good bit of weight. And despite the many calls for the Republican Party to separate itself from the former president, that’s not likely to happen. 

The Republican Party is also viewed favorably, albeit a little less so. It was 80 percent of respondents that look favorably upon the party, while 18 percent do not, giving it a +62. Which when you stop to think about it, that’s pretty remarkable. Because I gotta tell you after watching some of these limp-wristed douche bags during the entire four years of the Trump presidency was really pretty demoralizing. And the blame can be placed squarely on RINOs like Willard, Snow, Sasse, and Murkowski, to name but a few, who succeeded only in giving their entire party a black eye!

And then of course there’s Mitch McConnell, arguably the most powerful Republican today, who, at least according to this very same poll, is viewed very unfavorably by most Republicans. The poll found just 36 percent of respondents who said they viewed McConnell favorably, while 51 percent said they did not, giving him a -15 rating. Frankly, McConnell has been pretty much useless the entire time that he has spent as the Republican Minority/Majority/Minority leader in the Senate but even more so during Trump’s presidency. Except, perhaps, when it came to judges.  

And I know we can’t really can’t go about picking and choosing when it comes to what any of these ‘polls’ seem to be telling us, but where this poll does seem to lose a bit of its believability, at least as far as I’m concerned, was regarding the response from 1,500 supposed rational American adults in which 64 percent of those respondents said that they actually believed that ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden “legitimately won the election,” while 36 percent said he did not win legitimately. Now you have to ask yourself, just how completely nutty is that? And how stupid are THESE people?  

Now while I disagree, I suppose there are those who would argue that this same poll would seem to reflect that the Democrats, together with their allies in the ‘fake news’, and a certain few RINOs, did achieve a certain amount of success in their effort to destroy Donald Trump in that this same survey did find that 53 percent of respondents thought Donald Trump should not be allowed to run for president again, while 37 percent said he should. But the real kicker was when it asked, “Who was the worst president in U.S. history,” and it was 46 percent who said it was Donald Trump.

Meanwhile it was a plurality, or 18 percent, who actually said that it was ‘BO’ who was the best president while it was 24 percent who said that ‘BO’ was actually “the worst president in U.S. history.” The U.S. Congress had an approval rating of 22 percent in this same poll and it was 49 percent who said that they disapprove of the way that Congress “is handling its job.” So if I have this right, that would mean over half of the American people, or so we’re supposed to believe, actually approve of the way Congress is doing its job? If that’s true it’s no wonder the country is so f*cked up!

But in getting back to Republican voters, and those who tend to vote for Republican candidates, they must DEMAND that candidates for Congress in 2022, especially those running for the Senate, commit to getting rid of McConnell. He is a traitor to the conservative cause and a collaborator with the enemy. And, to be perfectly blunt, is absolute poison to the Republican Party.  McConnell is clearly owned, lock, stock and barrel, by the Communist Chinese. He, like so many of our supposed leaders, on both sides of the political aisle, seem to have forgotten why it is that they were elected.

And contrary to what many of those in this poll may think of him, President Trump was the first person in government to ever tell us the unvarnished truth and then act on it, in decades if not longer. But apparently, he was perhaps a bit too blunt for some, but I would argue that we were badly in need of some bluntness. The truth is a powerful aphrodisiac and now that 100 million people have heard and understood it, we want more. President Trump ripped off the veil of the stupid, weak, gutless Republican Establishment. They have been exposed and must now be expunged!

It would appear that our Republican leadership gives not a rat’s ass if the party is in the majority or not. In fact, it seems to prefer to be in the minority so it doesn’t have to actually accomplish anything, legislatively speaking. They only have to appear to be ‘fighting’ on your behalf in order to convince us to keep voting for them. Tell me how many victories Republicans have attained on my behalf and what was my reward for that ‘victory’ and what was their reward? The most damage these poseurs present to the actual conservative is that they prey on conservatives’ fear of the alternative.

Unfortunately, we’re saddled with McConnell for another 6 years. So voters will need to primary every other establishment type who refuses to fight and replace them with ‘America First’ candidates. We need to cut out the rot that continues to support McConnell. McConnell has now said that President Trump should face criminal charges, and so once again it’s Us versus ‘The Swamp.’ The only president to have ever had the backs of conservatives fought for us every day, and he was attacked every step of the way by the Democrats, the media and members of his own party.

McConnell’s recent idiotic rant from the Senate floor did nothing to boost his favorability. He summarized a trial that brought no witnesses and presented no evidence. Therefore, his conclusions were hearsay, including the one claiming the riot was a result of the president’s claim that the election was “illegitimate” because of “irregularities” in “cradle to grave” verification of mail in votes. No court has listened to the evidence. He should of, instead, spoke up about the kangaroo court. What a missed opportunity. Now he reaps the whirlwind and takes the party down with him!

Republican voters must now make a conscious decision to send to the political trash heap all those who comprise the old-guard Republican Establishment. Republican voters tend to be those who want peace, liberty, opportunity and prosperity, things which the Democrats and old-guard RINOs seem to have now turned against. They will not and cannot change who they are and so they must be forever removed from office, election by election until none of them remain holding any power anywhere. Not in any town, any county, any city any state or any federal position.

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