

Friday, September 18, 2020



Yup, by golly, it was John Kerry-Heinz, or he who was an absolute cracker-jack secretary of state, who has been bested by a political novice and someone who was essentially a stranger to the world of international diplomacy by achieving something that this self-professed guru of foreign policy once claimed could never be achieved.  And in so doing, President Trump has again exposed those like Kerry-Heinz as being what we all knew them to be, completely incompetent.  President Trump handily runs circles around all of these clowns, and yet oddly enough his opponent in the race for president is the guy of whom it was once said “is someone who has been wrong on almost every foreign policy and national security issue for the last four decades.”

I bring this up only because of a recently resurfaced video in which we see a very confident John Kerry-Heinz lecturing on the impossibilities of achieving that which the Trump administration actually achieved just this past week in what was yet another blow to Kerry-Heinz and the Democrat establishment’s long-held foreign policy doctrines.  In the clip it is ex-president ‘BO’s secretary of state, Kerry-Heinz, who is seen bashing the notion that peace between Israel and Arab states could ever be achieved without first solving the Palestinian conflict.  Yet no one cares about the Palestinians, except Democrats. The Arab states don’t want them, they’re terrorists and the dregs of the middle east. The same way Democrats are in this country.

And so it was with much poo-pooing from Democrats that this week we saw Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joining with leaders from Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates in an epic ceremony, signing peace agreements and effectively normalizing relations between the nations, as the Trump administration brokered two major Middle East agreements in a matter of weeks.  So contrary to Kerry-Heinz’s declarations, the peace agreements were achieved without the need for any Israeli concessions or on the conditioning of Palestinian statehood. Neither President Trump nor Prime Minister Netanyahu even mentioned the Palestinians during the ceremony, which President Trump hailed as the “dawn of a new Middle East.”

It was during his last weeks as ‘BO’s secretary of state that Kerry-Heinz made a bold prediction about the Middle East: Arabs will not pursue a “separate peace” with Israel in the absence of peace between Israel and the Palestinians.  On the heels of Tuesday’s historic signing ceremony of normalization agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates as well as Bahrain, Kerry-Heinz’s confident statements are memorable for how utterly wrong they were.  But if we were to take the time to look back over his time spent as both a U.S. Senator and as secretary of state we would see that he was never right, about much of anything.  And still he has yet to make any comment regarding these new, and very significant, agreements.    

It was in this recently resurfaced clip of Kerry-Heinz’s speech at the 13th annual Saban Forum, in December 2016, at the end of the ‘BO’ administration, that Kerry-Heinz made the claim that “I’ve heard several prominent politicians in Israel sometimes saying, well, the Arab world is in a different place now, we just have to reach out to them, and we can work some things with the Arab world, and we’ll deal with the Palestinians. No, no, no, and no.”  Kerry-Heinz continued and indicated what U.S. policy must be, saying, “There will be no advanced and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that.”  Kerry-Heinz concluded saying, “That is a hard reality.”

This was not the first time that Kerry-Heinz had been dead wrong about Middle East policy. I’m sure most will remember how Kerry-Heinz was a key architect of the failed Iran nuclear deal struck in 2015, which aimed at capping Tehran’s nuclear activities in return for lifting sanctions.  Kerry-Heinz later warned against the consequences of pulling out of the deal.  In 2015, Kerry-Heinz said, “I fear that what could happen is if Congress were to overturn it, our friends in Israel could actually wind up being more isolated and more blamed.”  However, President Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and his recent Middle East peace agreements showed that Kerry-Heinz was wrong again when predicting that Israel would be more isolated without the deal.

And again in 2017 Kerry-Heinz warned of “an absolute explosion” in the Middle East should President-elect Donald Trump move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.  And President Trump moved the embassy and no such explosion occurred.  A year after the controversial move, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, wrote in Israel Hayom that “Contrary to all the negative predictions, the Jerusalem embassy has been an extraordinary success, advancing peaceful coexistence, bilateral cooperation and cultural exchange between and among Israelis, Palestinians and Americans.”  Kerry-Heinz himself hardly contributed to any peaceful coexistence or cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians during his entire tenure as secretary of state.

Kerry-Heinz spent three years, tens of billions of dollars in bribe money and demanded nothing in the way concessions from the Iranians just to sign a ‘deal’ with them.  And yet this is someone who we’re supposed to believe is the Democrats’ ‘expert’ when it comes to the subject of foreign affairs?  No wonder the bumbling, drooling, senile ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden is the smartest and most competent Democrat alive.  Those in our ‘fake news’ media will never ask Kerry-Heinz why he was so wrong on a peace deal between Israel and Arab countries. Also, they will never ask ‘BO’ why he predicted, wrongly, that manufacturing jobs would never come back to America.  It took a businessman, not a politician, thinking outside the box, to be successful.

Kerry-Heinz in particular, and the Democrats in general, have always gotten it wrong. At least Jimmy Carter was able to get the Egyptians to the table but that was only after they had suffered yet another military defeat by the Israeli's.  The Palestinians have been the roadblock to every Peace Agreement effort, every one of them. President Trump was smart enough to find a way to remove the road block and move to a Peace Accord that in time will include the Palestinians as now they will have to change their dedication to obstruction and shift towards compromise or be left out of the process entirely, permanently.  The Establishment Elite simply cannot handle President Trump’s success that has eluded every President since the 1950’s.

And of course Kerry-Heinz will again predict failure, it’s exactly what people like him do.  That this new peace deal stands to regionally unite the Arab world against the leading state sponsor of terror, and its proxies, is a reality that will contain radical Islam and further trade deals away from Iran.  Kerry-Heinz’s Iranian friends are already dealing with a massive trade deficit and growing internal unrest and are now looking at complete collapse as being a stark reality in the not too distant future should, as the president says they will, the rest of the Middle East sign on.  If that does happen the money will dry up resulting in no Hamas, no Taliban and no ISIS.  The deal effectively cuts the Iranian radicals’ financial legs out from under them.

And just for a little clarification, there is no such thing as a Palestinian state, in fact it’s in all of recorded history there has never been a political entity known as Palestine.  This term, rather is a description of a region similar to a term like ‘the mid-west.’  There is no such thing as a Palestinian people.  There are tribes of Arabs, many nomadic, who lived in the area, but have no genealogical or cultural commonality.  On the other hand, the Jewish state has existed for millennia, and is today the only functioning democracy in the region.  In addition to the cultural bonds of religion, there is a genealogical sub-category of people known as Jews.  And it’s this group of people who still centers their existence in a small strip of land, Israel.

How do I articulate how it was that John Kerry-Heinz made ‘it’ in politics?  He’s not very bright, does anyone remember when he was running against Bush in 2004 as the “intellectual” one in the race yet his grades at Yale were worse than Bush’s?  He got into Yale because his father went there, not because he was gifted academically.  He joined the military to advance a political career not to ‘serve’ his country. The Swift Boat Veterans exposed that little missive as he tried to ride his barely 100 days in Vietnam to the Presidency. There were guys that spent THREE years in country in Vietnam with far LESS decorations, but certainly far MORE deserving.  Lastly, this turd did figure out one thing, how to marry money.  He has done it TWICE!

And finally, how is it that a man with no background in politics and/or world diplomacy accomplish what years of academics, policy wonks, ambassadors, diplomats, presidents, and others failed to do.  Number one, outside the box thinking. He told his people approach this from an economic front, sell that, leave the old stumbling blocks behind, Palestine for one. This is the difference between an academic, ‘BO’, Clinton, Biden, G.W. Bush, Kerry-Heinz, and a Donald Trump. We talkers versus a doer.  A talker does not get anything done of substance, it washes away in short order.  A doer has accomplishments that will outlive him, or her, and that’s what President Trump has achieved here, and it’s why the talkers hate him.

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