

Thursday, September 5, 2019


So what exactly is left that the Democrats can blame on ‘climate change?’  I mean they have now pretty much run the gamut in their effort to come up with increasingly dire consequences for choosing not to deal with what they habitually refer to as being the next great apocalyptic event to hit mankind.  And so with there really being nothing else left it was during a Thursday interview on CNN’s “New Day,” that South Bend, Indiana mayor, and 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful, Pete Buttigieg issued yet another dire warning, this one involving the potential for future climate wars as a result of failing to address ‘climate change.’  Man, talk about grabbing at straws? 

So according to Buttigieg it was ‘climate change’ that caused the Syrian Civil War as well as mass migration out of Central America, and he went on to claim President Trump cannot keep the United States safe because he does not admit there is a climate crisis.  And it was to Fox News reject, and now CNN host, Alisyn Camerota that Buttigieg offered a warning straight from the ‘Twilight Zone.’  He said, “There’s evidence that droughts that might have been partly worsened by climate change contributed to everything from the Syrian Civil War to the migration out of Central America that’s starting to hit our own borders, and this is just the very beginning.”  

And, of course Buttigieg then went on to warn, “We could see climate wars in the future. Let’s not let that happen.”  And he added, “The bottom line is the president of the United States cannot keep us safe. And the reason he cannot keep us safe is he doesn’t want to admit there’s even a problem.”  I guess I’m not sure on what he’s basing his claim that the president is not keeping America safe.  Now if he’s talking about violence committed by those in this country illegally, or even if he’s talking about the problem of continuing gun violence in this country, to place blame on President Trump is to ignore those who are truly to blame, the DEMOCRATS!  

Now I could be wrong, but the last time I checked fighter jets, bombers, tanks, warships and missiles all run on fossil fuels.  Ammunition and weapons plants run on massive amounts of electricity which also comes from, fossil fuels.  Moving troops requires fossil fuels.  Buttigieg is making an argument that in order to keep America safe from climate wars we need more fossil fueled military might. Thanks for the warning Pete, but I think President Trump has got that one covered.  We've officially reached full hysteria.  So what started as ‘climate change’ then went to ‘climate emergency’ then went to ‘climate apocalypse’ has now become ‘climate war?’

This entire ‘climate change’ conversation has become nothing short of insane.  Right, man is going to somehow be able to control the weather on the planet yet we seem totally incapable managing our own national finances.  And somehow, at a time when our meteorological experts can’t even accurately predict what the weather is going to be next week, we’re somehow supposed to trust a bunch of bureaucrats when they tell us what it’s going to be like five, ten or even twelve years in the future.  Yeah, idiotic nonsense is only in the realm of possibility in comic books.  So we literally now have a ruling class that believes in a comic book society. It is just insane.

President Trump is well aware of what’s needed to keep America safe.  It’s the Democrats, those like Buttigieg, who have been, and continue to be, derelict in that area.  Hence the reason this clown is polling in the single digits.  You see, we voters are also aware of what’s needed to keep our country safe, with many of our issues of concern being caused by progressives who represent a far greater threat to America than does the hoax science of ‘climate change.’  ‘Climate change’ has been happening since the beginning of time, it’s nothing new.  It is just the Earth doing what the Earth, does naturally. What mankind does or does not do has no effect on it.

Man-made ‘climate change’ is nothing more than junk science used by big-government tax and spend politicians, and associated special interest groups, to justify massive new taxes and increased government control over EVERYTHING.  It’s a myth, a charade, a scam that has absolutely no basis in any real scientific fact.  And it is regardless of the number of times that it has been refuted, disproven, or ridiculed, nutjob progressives, like Buttigieg, continue to portray it as “settled science” and something that is in urgent need of being addressed.  I can only assume that they hope there will come a day when we all will wake up having lost all commonsense.

‘Climate change’ is a ruse to move our country toward what has become the political and economic philosophy of choice for today’s Democrat Party, Socialism.  Because something that the Democrats never bother to mention is the fact that America is one of the very few nations on the planet that has actually REDUCED its carbon emissions since the idiotic, nonbinding, Koyoto Accord!  After all, carbon emissions, if one believes all the leftist tripe that they somehow represent some sort of a threat, is by definition a GLOBAL issue, not a national issue.  And one country, acting alone can in no way hope to solve this supposed global threat, even if it were taking place.

But Buttigieg may be right about looming climate wars, especially if he tries to limit my free flow of cheap electricity, force me driving an electric car, force brownouts and less heat and air conditioning.  You see, most Americans don’t see Democrats acting like people who truly believe we’re facing an extinction level event. If that were truly the case wouldn’t we be talking about adding more new nuclear power plants to our energy portfolio?  Such an effort would do far more to mitigate carbon emissions than any unreliable solar or windmill boondoggle, and certainly more than any non-binding international agreement. Maybe there are tradeoffs, who knows.

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