

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


No offense intended regarding any of those whose feelings may be hurt, but these days you would have to be a complete moron to support just about any politician with a (D) after their name.  And I have a sneaking suspicion that that will become increasingly more obvious the closer we get to the next election.  And I have to say that it was the election of Donald Trump that succeeded in drawing these Democrats out of the shadows in which they have preferred to operate for decades in order to keep their true agenda from the American people. Hence the reason, I think, that they have become so desperate in their effort to have him removed from office.     

And once again we saw that desperation first hand as it again reared its rather ugly head, in the person of Nancy Pelosi, just this past Tuesday at an event in New York City hosted by Cornell University’s Institute of Politics and Global Affairs.  And it was during her appearance at this particular event that Pelosi that she made it very clear that Democrats simply could not “accept a second term for Donald Trump.”  Pelosi said, “We have to make sure — this will sound political but we have to make sure that the Constitution wins the next presidential election. We can’t be worrying about well, how long is this going to take? Well, that will take as long as it does.”

And it was from there that she went on to say, “And we will press the case so that in the court of public opinion people will know what is right. But we cannot accept a second term for Donald Trump if we are going to be faithful to our democracy and to the Constitution of the United States.” And she added, “And that is just the fact. So we have to operate on many fronts. We have to operate in the Congress, in the courts, and in the court of public opinion, and we must win the next election.”  And so I think it’s now becoming painfully clear that we need to be bracing ourselves for what is likely to be the Democrats’ most determined cheating effort in history.

Because, and let’s be honest here, the Democrats have yet to accept the FIRST term of President Trump.  Hence the insane mess in which we currently find ourselves. Democrats haven’t accepted this president since day one of his administration.  And yet it was back during the presidential debates that then candidate, now loser, Hitlery expressed how she was horrified to think that candidate Trump would not recognize her victory.  He then assured her that he would.  And yet here we are, nearly three years after the election and who is it that has yet to accept her defeat and recognize the victory of Donald J. Trump?  Oh wait, that would be…HITLERY!           

And while I felt much the same way as Nancy, when Barry ‘O’ was elected and re-elected as I was forced to watch as the country I love was being destroyed, it was the people who had elected him and therefore I accepted it.  However I will admit that I often wondered, and sometimes aloud, why it was that even after committing all manner of what I viewed as being impeachable offenses, offenses that make anything that President Trump has been accused of pale in comparison, he was not impeached.  So I’m thinking the level of hypocrisy that has been, and continues to be, on display from Democrats, including Pelosi, should discredit their claims against the president.

The Democrat Party has come to represent what is, without a doubt, a very clear and present danger to the survival of our country and Democrats, along with their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media, are now responsible for the single greatest assault on our Constitution courtesy of what has been their continuing effort to overturn the results of our 2016 presidential election.  They continue to do so to this day.  And in so doing they imperil our entire democratic process.  Never mind the Russians, it is the Democrat Party that now poses the greatest threat to our freedom.  And what is truly frightening is that they actually believe themselves to be justified.

But do Democrats have any facts to support their position of wanting this president impeached?  I mean it's not like President Trump has instituted an unconstitutional medical insurance program that forced Americans to pay far more for medical coverage and caused them to lose their doctors, or used tax money to purchase a publically traded automobile manufacturer or wasted billions of tax dollars on “shovel ready project” that turned out not to be so shovel ready, or simply gave away to an enemy billions of tax dollars, or even bought guns with tax many that then ended up in the hands of the drug cartels. No, the president has done none of these things.

And with the economy humming along at a pace not seen in decades, not even during the ‘internet boom’ of the 90’s which ‘Slick Willy took, and still takes, credit for, President Trump will hopefully be re-elected.  One would think that ‘moderate’ swing voters, many of whom may have voted for ‘Crooked Hitlery’, will vote for the president based on his results.  But we should be taking nothing for granted.  Because as I mentioned earlier the cheating that we are likely to see from the Democrats this time around can be expected to dwarf absolutely anything that we have seen from them in the past.  Because it’s really the ONLY option they have left to them.

And perhaps someone should remind Ms. Pelosi about how this process still works, at least for now, is that ‘We the People’ actually get to decide, by the casting of our vote, who gets to be president, not Congressional Democrats, not the FBI, not the CIA, not the ‘fake news’ media, not the ‘Deep State’ and not those in the boardrooms of Google, Facebook or Twitter. The fact is that’s it’s still the Constitution that controls who gets to be president.  If you want to change that, then set about trying to change the Constitution by using the process that was created for doing such a thing.  Until then quit your whining and abide by the will of the people!

If the Democrats were acting more like adults than the whining crybabies that they continue to be, they would present what they view as being their ‘accomplishments,’ if they actually had any, and let the people decide.  But what might it be that the Democrats can lay claim to as being any bona fide accomplishments?  Well, they do support abortion right up to, and even after, the point of delivery.  And they are in favor of allowing men to use the same restrooms that are used by our wives and daughters.  And oh, let’s not forget that they are also in favor of doing away, completely with our southern border.  Perhaps they should run on those issues?

Look, the fact of the matter is that what the Democrats are now involved in is laying what they view as being the necessary groundwork for what they hope will then allow them to declare the 2020 elections null and void unless it is they who are victorious. Voter fraud and vote ‘harvesting’ was rampant in the 2016 election and they still lost the presidency but won congressional seats in 2018 using these very same tactics. Democrats are becoming increasingly more insidious and ever more devious in their approach to elections, and therefore are becoming much more of a threat to our ability to elect who we actually ‘want’ to lead our country, with each new election.

The Democrat Party, along with its many friends and allies on the left, has worked tirelessly in its effort to silence any and all opposition and limit ‘freedom of speech.’ They have spread disinformation and demonized those who support our Second Amendment rights.  They have courted meaningless public opinion over due process.  They have tried to devalue citizenship and benefits afforded to law-abiding citizens.  It has become very clear that the Democrat Party cares nothing for the Constitution of the United States and has shown nothing but contempt for the voters and taxpayers that grant them power, working tirelessly to turn us from citizens into serfs.

It’s my hope that in 2020 voters will take the time to compare the Barry ‘O’ years to the Trump years.  Barry had a terrible economy, saying “get used to it, it's the new norm.”  The hallmark was stagnant wages, anemic economic growth, jobs going from full time status to part time status because of Obamacare regulations, blunders in Middle East negotiations, weaponizing of the IRS, spying on political foes, left men to die in Benghazi, the list never ends. Trump fixed the economy. He’s brought record high employment for all Americans, he’s brought manufacturing back, wages are up at record levels, and he’s negotiating better trade agreements. He puts America first.

And yet it is Nancy who boldly makes the claim that Democrats simply cannot accept a second term for Donald Trump.  And for those who decide to agree with her, it is by doing so that their actions will likely say far more about them than it says about President Trump.  What sort of country is it that those willing to vote for the likes of Pelosi want their children to grow up in?  Is it a country as envisioned by the left, where the freedoms enjoyed are to be dispersed by the government, or a country where all get to enjoy those freedoms that have been handed down to us by our God?  It would seem to me that the answer to that question is pretty clear.

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