

Monday, May 6, 2019


To be perfectly honest I find it both confusing, and more than a bit worrisome, that there remains in this country a rather sizable portion of our population that still views the Democrat Party as being something other than what it so very obviously is.  That would be a political party that hates this country, is very determined in its effort to see it destroyed and appears very eager to take credit for having done so. So how is it that anyone of even average intelligence can still take seriously these people who appear to have been driven into complete madness by the election of Donald Trump?  

For instance, it was just this past Sunday, while appearing separately at ‘fake news’ headquarters, on CNN's ‘State of the Union’, that Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar, both running for president, refused to give President Trump any credit for the strong U.S. economy and labor market.  Also, and on that very same day, this time on CBS's ‘Face the Nation’ we had Eric Swallowswell, also running for president, saying, “I’m recommending that we impeach Attorney General Barr, so that we can get the information we need to protect our country.”  Is that not completely nuts?

But the insanity didn’t stop there, not by a long shot, because it was just the day before, on MSNBC, that we had yet another Democrat who, while not running for president, expressed the same level of insanity.  However, it was during his interview that Rep. Al Green did throw in an ounce of truth when said he is concerned that if the Democrats do not begin impeachment proceedings in the House, President Trump will win the election in 2020.  So what’s he REALLY saying here, that the Democrats can’t win fair and square so they must work hard to take out the only guy who can?

Anyway, Green went on to say, “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach him, he will say he’s been vindicated. He will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and didn’t take up impeachment. He will say we had a constitutional duty to do and we didn’t. He will say he’s been vindicated.”  He added, “Here’s what I say, we’re confronting a constitutional crisis as I speak to you. As I look the people of America in the eye, I’m telling you, we have a constitutional crisis.”  Does that make sense to anyone?

Green said, “The chief executive office of the president of the United States refuses to comply with subpoenas and says he will order others to do so, this creates a constitutional crisis”  He added, “We must impeach this president. If you don’t, it’s not the soul of the nation that will be at risk only, it is the soul of the Congress that’s at risk. Congress has a duty, a responsibility and obligation that only it can fulfill. No one else can no. No other entity can. It is Congress that will have to act. If we put people above party, we’ll act properly.”  Green has obviously gone round the bend.

Green said, “But if we allow a party to be above principle, we will not. If we allow political expediency to ‘trump’ moral imperative, we will have created a shameful situation that this Congress that will never live down, history won’t be kind to us. We must impeach him.” A “moral imperative?”  Really?  I thought this a rather odd thing to be hear coming from a guy whose political party fully supports abortion right up to, and even after, the moment of delivery, men using women’s restrooms and doing away completely with this nation’s borders to name just a few. 

Now if, in fact, we are now in the throes of a bona fide “constitutional crisis”, as we continue to hear from such imbecilic Democrats as Green, it most definitely is not because of President Trump, but is instead because of those, again such as Green, who have steadfastly worked for the last 17 months in their effort to invalidate the 2016 presidential election.  And it seems to be that with each passing day their desperation becomes all the more obvious.  And I have no doubt that that desperation will only continue to intensify the closer we get to the 2020 election.  So buckle up!

And so the rumbling that you continue to hear far off in the distance is likely caused by the many exploding heads of those in the Democrat Party!  They’re becoming increasingly panicked over the possibility that evidence exposing the massive amount of corruption and criminality on the part of Democrats in Congress, and especially within the former Obama administration, may soon see the light of day. And while I’m not holding my breath that any of these culprits will ever come to actually be held accountable, or serve any jail time, the American people need to know the truth!

And let’s be real, leftists, like this boob Green, don’t really care much for the idea of democratic elections unless, of course, it is they who are declared the winners.  And if they lose they then immediately seek to overturn the election by any means necessary, which tends to include drumming up all manner of ‘fake news’ regarding foreign collusion, obstruction of justice and all manner of other supposed ‘crimes.’ They hate the idea of free democratic elections and prefer the establishment of a totalitarian leftist dictatorship and are willing to do anything to achieve that end.

And it’s now on a slightly different topic that I find myself wondering just why is it that so many radical blacks are so opposed to President Trump.  Despite all of their wild claims the president has yet to display a single moment of discrimination toward any minority except those invading over our southern border. And I don't believe that to be racist.  And, to be honest, you will not find a more racist individual, of any color, that our esteemed Mr. Green.  He has taken every opportunity to attack white people while he enjoys the benefits he is provided by the poor voters in his district.

Sadly, during his entire tenure in House, 14 years, I have yet to hear about a single piece of legislation that he’s ever come up with.  And his re-elections are always based on hatred of the white man.  He attacks the President who has essentially rebuilt our economy, providing massive opportunities for ALL Americans, with unemployment for those in the black community now the lowest it has been in decades.  And yet this president is routinely accused by Democrats, like this idiot Green, of being a racist, of working to reinstate Jim Crow and of being a Nazi. 

Frankly I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed this much hate and vitriol being directed at a president, or been forced to suffer through gutter politics at this level.  If the election of President Trump has revealed anything to the American people it’s that everything we’ve ever heard about ‘The Swamp’ was but the tip of a very large iceberg.  Socialists operating under the moniker of ‘Democrats’ need to be removed from Congress if our country is to survive.  What Green is really saying is, “let's make up something to impeach the President or the American people will reelect him.”

Voters need to be paying attention regarding all of the bizarre antics now coming from those within the Democrat Party, especially from those running for president.  And they need to keep in mind that there is some level of truth in what Green is saying. Democrats seem to think that impeaching the president will be their ticket to victory in 2020.  Still, to have any chance at all the Democrats need someone who is less crazy sounding than their current batch prospective candidates.  While crazy works well with their base, it tends not to work all that well in the general election.

I’d like to think that if the Democrat are successful in their vendetta against President Trump it would only serve to improve his chances of getting re-elected.  But in today’s toxic political environment nothing can be taken for granted.  And then there are the actions of outside forces like Google and Facebook who are also busily at work trying to tilt the playing field so that it’s more favorable to Democrats.  They’re simply not content with the prospect that once President Trump is gone, whether in 2021 or 2025, he will likely be the last Republican president for a very long time.

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