

Thursday, December 6, 2018


I’m sure we all remember how Democrats were to be swept back into having full control of Congress this past November, all courtesy of what was supposed to be that much talked about ‘blue wave.’  A ‘blue wave’ powered by nothing more than the pure hatred of our current president, as well as of those who support him.  And when the ‘blue wave’ didn’t quite materialize, the Democrats, as well as their many allies in the ‘fake news’ media, have continued to work to come up with all manner of excuses much in the same way that Hitlery has continued to do in her effort to try to explain away how she came to lose an election she supposedly couldn’t lose.

And in coming up with the best excuse yet for explaining why there was no ‘blue wave’ we had Sen. Mazie Hirono, Democrat, claiming that the reason Democrats have difficulty connecting with voters is because they speak more to the brain instead of the heart, and that “Democrats know so much” and tend to be “very left-brain.”  And Democrats apparently think that because they know so much they have the right to tell you what to do, as well as when and how to do it.  Theirs is an ideology that has them convinced that they know what you need more than you know what you need. And that’s the problem with the entire governmental system pushed by Democrats.

Hirono was at something called the ‘Bend Toward Justice’ conference sponsored by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights in Washington, D.C.  It was on the subject of the Supreme Court that moderator Dahlia Lithwick asked Hirono, “What is the thing that Democrats need to say to help voters bump this from issue number 14 up to issue number one?"  Hirono said, “I wish I had the answer to that because one of the things that we, Democrats, have a really hard time with is connecting to people’s hearts instead of to their heads. We’re really good at shoving out all the information that touch people here (pointing to her head) but not here (pointing to her heart).”

Hirono said.  “I’ve been saying it at all of our Senate Democratic retreats, that we need to speak to the heart not in a manipulative way, not in a way that brings forth everybody’s fears and resentments but truly to speak to the hearts so that people know that we’re actually on their side.”  She continued by saying, “But we have a really hard time doing that and one of the reasons it was told to me at one of our retreats was that we Democrats know so much, that is true. And we have kind of have to tell everyone how smart we are and so we have a tendency to be very left brain.”  But unfortunately, Democrats know so very much more that isn’t true!!

That said, the Democrats were smart enough to take control of what was once referred to as the ‘mainstream media’ and transform it into the party’s propaganda machine and to create what is really nothing more than an indoctrination machine by taking control of all of academia as well as Hollyweird.  And then to create an enforcement machine courtesy of the labor unions.  Americans need to wake up to the fact that the Democrats own all of the influence organizations in this country. Add in their voter fraud machine and they are essentially able to lie, cheat and steal their way to victory over and over again, even as they get fewer and fewer votes.

But let's take a quick peek at just a few of the things these so-called ‘smart’ people have done for our great nation over the last 100 years.  They’ve increased crime, encouraged the sexualization of our children, ruined our public school system, managed to turn the FBI turned into a bunch of subversives, exhibited a hair-on-fire insanity to remove a duly elected president for no reason whatsoever and transformed our institutions of ‘higher learning’ to hateful leftist places where censorship is rife.  And the courtesy of left leaning activist judges they have succeeded in legislating from the bench and succeed in worsening a widening racial divide.

As Ronald Reagan once said, the problem with Democrats is that they know so much that just isn't true.  This woman, Hirono, is in complete denial.  The Democrats’ entire platform is one that does nothing more than to stoke fear in order to gain votes.  But they oppose absolutely individual liberty and individual identity. Too smart?  Democrats fail to connect with voters because they have little more than contempt for voters who vote for anyone not a Democrat.  They talk about how we’re racist and/or misogynistic for not voting Democrat, and how ‘radical’ we are to not support Democrats on issues like immigration, gun control, and many other issues.

Those in the Democrat Party, like Hirono, don't want a democracy, you want control, plain and simple. And whenever it is that the Democrats lose an election or policy issue, that are maybe just a little too quick to scream ‘fraud’, ‘racism’ and ‘voter suppression.’  Never is it because their policies are so seriously flawed and that they simply do not appeal to the voting population.  But whenever the Democrats win, then suddenly it's “the will of the people” and “a great victory for democracy.”  Well, we the voting public are a lot smarter than Democrats give us credit for, and we are able to see right through them and their “doom and gloom” show.

When trying to connect with voters it’s always best done through the use of verifiable facts, figures, basic logic and reasoning that can be proven not via evidence of various kinds, not by way of innuendo, hearsay or by baseless he-said-she-said claims.  Democrats tend to limit their efforts to the emotional aspect alone of an issue which is a guaranteed failure.  While Hirono and her cronies may think they’re ‘smart’ in their own little bubble, I think the general consensus after the last several elections is that their far-left agenda doesn’t have a lot of support.  They have no message, other than, of course, to run their message of hatred of President Trump.

Democrats do nothing more than to tell everyone how racist, homophobic and misogynistic their political opposition is, and how those who support them are deplorable and the dregs of society.  They shame everyone for being Americans, as if everyone else is so much better. They claim to know the way to greener pastures, but all the pastures under your control are overgrazed and desolate.  They are one lie after another.  They are looking for a new message that brings them more power, and don't care if they have to lie.  They are in perpetual campaign mode.  They are the best politicians money can buy.  They’re nothing but a bunch of overpaid con artists.

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