

Thursday, June 14, 2018


I’m sure everyone has heard the term ‘nose blind’, but apparently over there at the Communist News Network’, aka CNN, there is also something going around that can only be seen as being ‘news blind.’  And the reason I say that is because it was earlier this week that CNN host Wolf Blitzer, in responding to President Trump referring to CNN as “fake news” in a tweet, argued that his network is “not the enemy of the American people.”  Yup, old Wolf has become ‘news blind.’

Blitzer said, “It’s one thing not to like the media.”  And it was from there that Blitzer went on to say, “Everybody’s always criticizing us and not happy with our coverage, whether it was President Clinton or President Bush or President O — they’re all criticized.”  He later added, “A lot of [Trump] supporters believe that we are the enemy of the American people, and that is really, really an awful situation. We are not the enemy of the American people. We love the American people.”

Hey Wolf, did you guys “love Americans” while your network was busy assisting the DNC in their effort to rig the primaries for Hitlery?  Or when your network then tried to cover all that up by blaming it on ‘Russia’ rather than admit that it was actually the DNC and Hitlery who were involved in trying to rig the election?  Or any of the rather numerous other examples of false or inaccurate ‘reporting’ that took place during the entire campaign and has only escalated since Trump was sworn in?

Right, the ONLY reason that CNN constantly spews nothing but pure propaganda, misleads the American people and undercuts the country is because they “love the American people.”  It has nothing to do with the fact that everyone there at CNN has got a severe case of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ and are desperate to cover up their involvement in all of the blatantly false reporting and as well as the attempts to overthrow a duly elected President using any and all form of false information.

Yes, CNN just “loves the American people.”  Except, of course, for those who happen to be conservative, or Christian, or a white male, or a traditionalist, or pro-life, or, God forbid, a Trump voter, or any of the other ‘Deplorables’ who reside there in flyover country.  Oh, and they are also none too fond of black conservatives or gay conservatives, but yeah, otherwise, CNN loves ‘ALL’ Americans.  Just how stupid is it that old Wolf thinks we are?  They lie to us all the time.

Look, CNN, as a network, long ago stopped providing us with useful news. These days they do little more than push the various narratives advocated by the left in this country, with the top ones being: 1) America is a dangerous and racist nation run by a white supremacist, 2) Barry ‘O’ was, and remains, the second coming, 3) Republicans are bad, Democrats are good 4) Russia stole the election from Hitley, and 5) Trump colluded with Russia and should be removed from office. All ‘Fake News!’

Those at CNN, including Wolf, see the future of America as an economically depressed, yet ‘diverse’, slum where on any given day you can choose to be any sex you want to be, but you can’t be permitted to defend yourself.  A place where you can’t wear a Christian cross out in public yet is a place where you can shoot up, urinate and defecate in public and vandalize private property with no fear of arrest. That’s the America that those at CNN tend to support.

And folks at CNN: want amnesty, which will depress wages for Americans, wanted TPP ratified, which would have depressed wages for Americans, are against tariffs, since without tariffs employment opportunities for Americans would decrease, remain  against the tax cuts since without the tax cuts Americans would have less take home pay, still support Obamacare, since it forces Americans to pay through the teeth or healthcare and they were for Hitlery, who despises average Americans.

Wolf and his colleagues are for everything that hurts the American worker and his or her family, and that makes CNN an enemy of the American people.  But few people are able to be fooled anymore.  We know the media in this country, including CNN, is not a force for good, but instead is a force for evil. They are merely an extension of the Democrat party.  They are the Praetorian Guard, the attack dogs and propagandists for a political party that is not your father’s Democrat Party.

It’s today’s Democrat Party that is the party whose specific goal seems to be nothing less than the outright destruction of America and of western civilization.  And it is those involved in what was once referred to as the ‘mainstream’ media who now act as nothing more than the official propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, and have no problem whatsoever in doing so.  They view as being their top priority the indoctrinating of the American people regarding the benefits of the left.

The job of the media is to hold ALL presidents to task, whether they are Republicans or Democrats.  They need to be truthful and unbiased in their reporting and they need to objective.  But when you have CNN spending about 60 seconds a month talking about Trump's accomplishments, and 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes spreading nothing more than gossip, innuendo, propaganda, unverifiable and often misleading stories based on ‘unnamed sources’, or outright lies, people don’t see that as “love.”

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