

Thursday, November 9, 2017


So it is then on this the first anniversary, give or take a day or two, of her second failed attempt at becoming President of the United States, I thought it would be rather fitting to review just a few of the many reasons for why she feels that it is not her who we find sitting in the Oval Office one year later, but instead we find Donald J. Trump.  Since losing the 2016 presidential election, Hitlery’s blame list for her loss has continued to grow and, to date, includes at least 27 sources responsible for her defeat.  And it is nowhere on this list that will you find her name.

Since trying to list all of her excuses here would consume the better part of my day and would likely fill up a dozen or more pages, I’ve decided to simply hit the ‘highlights’ regarding the list of people, groups, ideologies - and even those who thought she would win - that Hitlery blames for her failure to be elected president one year ago. The list that I’ll be working from was compiled by various media outlets, including the UK Daily Mail, the BBC, the Daily Wire and Breitbart News.  So what follows here is essentially a partial list of her many excuses:

James Comey – It was on the ‘Today’ show back on September 13 — her first interview since losing to Trump, that Hitlery said, “I was just dumbfounded.”  She went on to say, “I thought, what is he doing?  The investigation is closed. I knew there was no new information.  And then it became clear. This was not necessary.” And she added, “Absent that, I believe, and I think the evidence shows, I would have won.”

The FBI –  It was in her book, ‘What Happened’, that Hitlery wrote, “The FBI wasn’t the Federal Bureau of Ifs or Innuendoes.  Its job was to find out the facts.”  (Sidenote: I guess it’s only the ‘Bureau of Ifs’ when it’s about President Trump or some other Republican.)

Vlad Putin – Hitlery told USA Today, “There’s no doubt in my mind that Putin wanted me to lose and wanted Trump to win.”  And it was in December that the New York Times obtained audio that revealed Hitlery had said to donors: “Putin publicly blamed me for the outpouring of outrage by his own people, and that is the direct line between what he said back then and what he did in this election.”

The Russians – Hitlery has publicly blamed the Russians on numerous occasions, including the Codecon convention in May when she said that “1,000 Russian agents” had filled Facebook with “fake news.”  Hitlery also told NPR, “My path toward November was being disrupted with Russians.”

WikiLeaks – And it was in September that Hiltery told NPR, “Unfortunately, the Comey letter, aided to great measure by the Russian WikiLeaks, raised all those doubts again.”  And in her book ‘What Happened’, Hitlery said of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: “In my view, Assange is a hypocrite who deserves to be held accountable for his actions.”

Low information voters – It was also at the CodeCon convention that Hitlery said, “You put yourself in the position of a low information voter, and all of a sudden your Facebook feed, your Twitter account is saying, ‘Oh my gosh, Hillary Clinton is running a child trafficking operation in Washington with John Podesta.’”  I must admit that this excuse was more than a bit perplexing to me, especially when you stop and consider the fact that were it not for low information voters no Democrat would win ANY election, EVER.  Democrats prey on low information voters.

The Electoral College – And it was to Vox that Hitlery said, “We have an electoral college problem,” adding that she has called for its abolishment since 2000.

The Conservative media (aka the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy?) – Hitlery said that her campaign was hampered by the “dedicated propaganda channels” on the right.  She said, “That’s what I call Fox News.”  And she said, “It has outlets like Breitbart and crazy Infowars and things like that.”  Hitlery went on to say, “They have a mission.” And added, “They use the rights given to them under the First Amendment to advocate a set of policies that are in their interests, their commercial, corporate, religious interests.”

Anti-American Forces – And it was again at CodeCon that Hitlery said, “I think it’s important that we learn the real lessons from this last campaign because the forces that we are up against are not just interested in influencing our elections and our politics, they’re going after our economy, and they’re going after our unity as a nation.”

Everyone who predicted she would win – And it was also at the CodeCon convention that Hitlery said, “I was the victim of a very broad assumption that I was going to win.’

Polls – And it was again at CodeCon that she said, “I think polling is going to have to undergo some revisions in how they actually measure people.’

Green Party candidate Jill Stein – It was in her book that Hitlery wrote, “In each state, there were more than enough Stein voters to swing the result, just like Ralph Nader did in Florida and New Hampshire in 2000.”  And she said, “The best assessments as of right now are that the polling was not that inaccurate, but it was predominantly national polling and I won nationally.”

Ex-President Barry Obummer – And it was also in her book that Hitlery wrote, “No non-incumbent Democrat had run successfully to succeed another two-termer since Vice President Martin Van Buren won in 1836.”

White Women – Hitlery told Vox, “I believe absent Comey, I might’ve picked up one or two points among white women.”

Bernie Sanders – Hitlery wrote in her book, “His attacks caused lasting damage, making it harder to unify progressives in the general election and paving the way for Trump’s ‘Crooked Hillary’ campaign.”  And she said, “I don’t know if that bothered Bernie or not.”

Misogyny or Sexism – It was the Crappy News Network’s Christine Amanpour at something called the ‘Women for Women International’ event in New York back in May who asked Hitlery if misogyny was to blame.  To which Hitlery responded by saying, “Yes, I do think it played a role.”  Hitlery went on to say, “I never said I was a perfect candidate, and I certainly have never said I ran perfect campaigns, but I don’t know who is or did.”  And she added, “And at some point it sort of bleeds into misogyny.”

Campaign Finance - And again it was while at CodeCon that Hitlery said, “You had Citizens United come to its full fruition.”  And she would go on to say, “So unaccountable money flowing in against me, against other Democrats, in a way that we hadn’t seen and then attached to this weaponized information war.”  So says the candidate on whose behalf roughly $2 Billion was spent to get her elected, and who was also able to raise over twice as much money as was her opponent.

The Media – Hitlery wrote in her book, “American journalists who eagerly and uncritically repeated whatever WikiLeaks dished out during the campaign could learn from the responsible way the French press handled the hack of Macron.”

Women who didn’t vote – And it is again in her book that Hitlery recounts a moment when a mother dragged her daughter by the arm to apologize for not voting.  She wrote, “I wanted to stare right in her eyes and say, ‘You didn’t vote?  How could you not vote?! You abdicated your responsibility as a citizen at the worst possible time!  And now you want me to make you feel better?’”  And in writing in her book about the protest march against President Trump that took place after his election, Hitlery wrote, “I couldn’t help but ask where those feelings of solidarity, outrage, and passion had been during the election,”

White Voters – And Hitlery told Vox, “White voters have been fleeing the Democratic party ever since Lyndon Johnson predicted they would.”  This too is a rather odd complaint for her to make in that there has been a very dedicated campaign underway on the part of the Democrat Party to bill itself as being the party of the non-whites.  The party has, for some time now, demonstrated a less than caring attitude when it comes to white Americans, almost as if it wishes to purge itself of white voters.  So should they really be blamed for not voting for a Democrat candidate? 

So there you have it, an abbreviated list regarding the many excuses used thus far by she who is the most self-obsessed, egotistical, arrogant, white-loathing, man-hating despicable candidate, man or woman, to have ever run for the high office of President of the Unite States.  But that’s not to say that she won’t keep trying to remain, to one degree or another, politically relevant, or will try to insert herself into anything that will bring her into the limelight to greatest extent possible.  But I’m quite sure there will come a time when even Democrats tire of her. 

Hitlery seems to take great pleasure in continuing to harp on the fact that she got more votes in the general election and therefore wants the Electoral College to be abolished.  Of course the only places she garnered the most votes were in those areas where there is an unusually high concentration of liberal parasites.  If she were to be shown a county-by-county electoral map she would see exactly just how unpopular she was in the VAST majority of the country.  Luckily for us, the framers of the Constitution foresaw just such a need and baked it into the Constitution.

And you know, you can measure a person very well by the way they are able to handle failure or defeat.  Hitlery has proven not only that she’s not fit for public office, but that she is not even worthy to walk among the people of the United States.  She has set a very poor example for young women to follow and I’m afraid she’s done the impossible, lowered the standard of behavior for politicians.  I thought Obummer dug that ditch as deep as someone could without the whole thing collapsing.  It would seem that while Obummer used a shovel while Hitlery used a backhoe.

Finally I would like to offer to Hitlery a little piece of friendly advice.  Please, for your own sake stop trying to convince us why you think you lost the election.  You’re only embarrassing yourself by reminding us of how it was that “the smartest woman in the world” was unable to defeat he who many of your supporters called an “orange-faced buffoon.”  And if you truly do need a reason for why you lost the election before finally being able to move on with your life, simply stand in front of the nearest mirror and slowly repeat, “It’s my fault, I ran a crappy campaign.” 

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