

Thursday, August 17, 2017


Have you ever noticed how it’s always those on left, in their effort to portray themselves as being the only truly civilized ones, always seek to underscore their nonsensical arguments by claiming that because of their willingness to speak out they are frequently made to be the target of death threats, and that these supposed death threats ALWAYS come from those of us on the right?  But oddly enough it’s more often than not that it’s just a short time later that word leaks out that the supposed victim is actually the perpetrator.  And rarely do such revelations make it into the headlines.  So it becomes much the same as the little boy who cried wolf.  More often than not these mythical death threats are nothing more than theatrics thrown in to make the story more ‘compelling’.  Such nonsense only serves to further reduce the credibility of those making the claims.  And it is in that department that most in the media are already sorely lacking.

Why I mention this is because ‘Fox News’ host Eboni K. Williams is now claiming to have received death threats after she criticized President Trump.  Williams harshly criticized Trump on Monday for his response to the violence in Charlottesville over the weekend, which she said was too soft on white nationalists.  Following that segment, Williams told Variety Magazine on Wednesday her inbox was inundated with death threats from people furious with her criticisms of the president.  Williams said the comments included things like: “I should meet my maker soon, I shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets of New York.”  I’d be willing to bet that before long we’ll be finding out that either no death threats were ever actually made, or they came from Ms. Williams herself.  Either way, it’s likely nothing more than an attempt on her part to garner some sympathy for herself!  However, she is deserving of none.

My problem with Ms. Williams is that she harshly attacked Trump, when he was very clear that he did NOT support David Duke and his ilk.  However, she made no mention whatsoever of the BLM and especially the very vicious Antifa group, that showed up with ball bats and helmets.  This is the same vicious group that beat up Trump supporters who went to his rallies during the campaign.  I rarely if ever watch her, and there’s a reason for that.  And like so many on the left she typically does little more than to spew, ad nauseam, the Democrat Party talking points.  She’s becomes just one of the many reasons that I watch very little Fox News these days.  The network seems to be quite determined in its effort to become little more than a clone of the Crappy News Network (CNN) or MS’LSD’.  They’ve become nothing more than another bunch of NeverTrumpers and as such they’ve all become rather tiresome. 

Maybe I’m just becoming cynical in my old age, because I’ve now gotten to the point where I take most things that I hear from those in the media with a rather sizable grain of salt.  I’ve spent the last seven months watching as President Trump has tried to make good on those things that got him elected only to see those in the state-controlled media, like Ms. Williams, as well as the many NeverTrumpers from within the president’s own party, do everything they could in their continuing effort to make that all but impossible.  The news media today has been reduced to little more than a bad SNL skit, and has become much less about presenting the ‘news’ and more about spewing pure leftwing propaganda or ‘fake news’.   Add to that how we’re now forced to contend with the many RINOs we have in Congress, those who are little more than eunuchs who would rather switch than fight, and it’s all become rather frustrating to say the least.

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