

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Now it would seem to me that the Democrat Party has become, in recent years, much less the party of white working class Americans and more the party of the non-white and non-working folks who do little more than to simply reside within our current borders.  And I’m pretty sure it goes without saying that I’m going to be called out as a racist for coming to such a conclusion.  But what other conclusion is there to come to when nearly whole current batch of Democrat ‘leaders’, as well as more than a few RINOs, seem to be very much in favor of throwing those same white working class Americans under the proverbial bus and doing away with those afore mentioned borders altogether, allowing anyone into this country who might want to come here?  

And it was once again, just this past Monday while making an appearance on the Crappy News Network’s “The Axe Files,” podcast that we heard Rep. Luis Gutierrez, leftwing Democrat, making the claim that Democrats must now fight against what he referred to as being the “immoral” U.S.-Mexico border wall.  He called for consistency on that issue as Democrats have routinely opposed defunding Planned Parenthood and have been advocates for same-sex marriage.  Gutierrez said, “The Democratic caucus in the House of Representatives and the U.S. senators would basically have to turn their back on a key constituent group, right, which are Latinos, and on fairness and justice because it’s immoral to talk about that wall.”

Old ‘Screwy Luis’ then went on to say, “Democrats have to be consistent. You know, if this were over defunding Planned Parenthood, we wouldn’t even have a question of Democrats sitting down and negotiating for that budget. If this were to eliminate same-sex marriage, we wouldn’t have a conversation as Democrats whether we were going to vote for that budget. You know what if it’s for deportation and splitting up families and destroying the ‘Dreamers,’ Democrats have to say that’s a line we won’t cross either. That’s a key fundamental value of our Democratic Party. I think we’re going to meet that challenge. I really believe we are going to meet that challenge.”  So destroying America has now become a fundamental value of the Democrat Party?  

Let’s face it, the Democrat Party, as well as the state-controlled media complex, is all in when it comes to the throwing open of our borders. But anyone who has spent time going over Mexican immigration laws knows that it’s actually tougher to immigrate to Mexico than the reverse.  Mexico is much tougher on illegals, deports more and makes it very difficult for foreigners to immigrate legally.  Mexico rejects immigrants from Latin America and allows mainly people from white countries to immigrate.  Not only that, Mexican government has been pushing their people to move north for decades. Mexican politicians are huge hypocrites as they complain about Trump’s policy on Mexican illegals. 

I suppose another way of looking at it is to call it the Obummer affect.  Blacks were advancing in the work places of America before he made them believe the lie that they were not!  They were all Travon Martin-like victims of this racist society according to his venomous lies.  Black Obummer screwed the blacks in this nation and sent them back in time.  Any farther back and they would be rebuilding their old plantations instead of being relegated to the present day Democrat plantation.  There are also more than a few RINOs who favor open borders as well.  Both political parties are working AGAINST what's best for America.  Take a look at what the McConnell wing of the Senate and Ryan’s cronies in the House want.  No different than the Democrats.

Did you ever think you'd live to see the day when the Democrat Party would be fighting tooth and nail to prevent criminal illegals from being deported, or would oppose the building of a permanent barrier to keep them from repeatedly breaking our immigration laws, or giving preferential treatment to criminal illegals who, after entering this nation illegally, commit crimes on our soil against our people, and then have the Democrats shelter them from deportation?  But even more mindboggling is the number of Americans who are being adversely affected by the presence of these illegals in our nation and yet totally agree with these corrupt Democrat politicians.  It’s absolutely mind-numbingly ignorant on what is the grandest of scales!

Guttierez is without a doubt one of the more sleazy little shits that you’ll come across anywhere in government and is a dedicated enemy of the American people.  It’s obvious that he hates this country and would like nothing better than to see hordes of destitute and needy people streaming across our southern border.  And because Mexico cannot provide for its people even the most basic of services, leftwing kooks like Luis are all in favor of bringing them to this country so we can take care of them in exchange for them voting Democrat.  Other Central American countries are even worse.  They total 140 million ready to pack their meager bags and move to El Norte, the land of milk and honey and Obamacare and every other form of government ‘assistance’.

And let’s not forget what state he represents, the cesspool known as Illinois.  They're in great shape too, thanks to the policies of the left.  Who wouldn't want to live in the murder capital of the planet?  Who wouldn't want to work all their life for retirement and that great pension only to have it snatched away from you because the state can't make the payments they promised you.  And what is it about wanting to keep people from illegally entering your country that can be considered as being immoral?  Ignorant Gutierrez doesn’t seem to be able to answer that question.  He’s just another corrupt Democrat politician, regardless of where you find them.  We have them by the truckload in this awful Democrat infested country.

Every time this fool opens his big, fat pie hole he proves once again just how truly anti-America, and anti-American, he truly is.  True Americans would do all that they could to defend their borders and to protect their culture and language.  We are watching with horror what unfettered immigration is doing to Europe.  This is what this nation will become because of its penchant for foreign labor that amounts to cheap labor.  It's a multicultural mess which amounts to a nation of tribes, each one pursuing its desire for domination and control for its own people.  To call their aims and goals efforts for equality is way off the mark. They want to make this country like the one they left culturally, but they also want to take full advantage of the prosperity.  In short, they're economic refugees who want to take over this country.

I suppose that Theodore Roosevelt, himself a ‘progressive’, can be said to have put it most succinctly when he said:  “In the first place, we should insist that ... the immigrant... comes here in good faith [and] becomes an American and assimilates himself to us...this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all.  We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Blacks want the same thing only they want to control everything so they can then force whitey into the cotton fields to pick cotton.  Payback is what’s most important to them.  And then we have a coterie of flakes, oddballs and incompetent globalists here and in Europe who are trying to create a one world paradise, because that's what is allowing them to continue to inundate, illegally and legally.  And it is these miscreants and their childish, immature efforts who are responsible for the rapid deterioration we see throughout our culture.  Notice anything about Mr. Gutierrez? Does he come across as frantic and desperate to inundate us with his tribal kin?  If he gives that impression, that's EXACTLY what carries him onward.

And you have to ask why is it that all of these people flooding into our country can’t manage to create a society like ours in their own countries?  Why is it that they feel the need to come here and fuck up what we’ve made for ourselves?  But, apparently, try as they might, they just can’t seem to do it.  They've tried now for a few hundred years, and still keep coming up empty.  So why waste any more time on the effort working toward a goal they have no hope of ever being able to achieve when all they have to do is walk across the border steal this nation and then pretend it was them all along who actually founded it, settled it and built it into what it is today.  And they have Democrats like this slime Guttierez encouraging them to do it.

And look, you’d have to be a complete moron not to understand exactly why it is that the Democrats are working so hard to encourage them to do so.  It’s simple really.  It’s because they need them as voters.  Which should be considered as further proof that the Democrats obviously care far more about achieving, and then maintaining to the greatest extent possible, political power far more than they actually care about those of us left vulnerable by both the words and actions.  And I find it all quite baffling how blacks continue to be so willing to tolerate this sort of electoral behavior.  But Hell, you certainly can’t accuse them of being all that bright.  Because for whatever the reason, they seem more than willing to go along it.   

Finally, the whole notion of a border wall quite literally terrifies all of these open-border liberals.  Why does a simple wall actually bother these people so much?  They are simply afraid that a wall will be too effective in keeping all those many millions of perspective Democrat voters on their own side of the border.  Eight long years of Obummer wrecked this country, all thanks to stupid Democrats and the other idiots who voted for him.  What's more moral than building a wall to keep the non-citizen lawbreakers out?  What role would it play in reducing violent crime in this country as well as reducing the number of people who take part in all manner of welfare fraud? What better way than to build a very high and very long wall?

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