

Friday, August 7, 2015


Barry’s hopes of preserving his cherished nuclear ‘deal’ between Iran and world powers is said to have been dealt a setback this past Thursday when Chuckie Schumer, one of the top Democrats in the Senate said, after deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching, he simply could not bring himself to support the agreement.  But I think we all knew this was coming.   After all, Chuckie’s up for re-election next year even though he’s a shoe in, he was most likely been given permission to vote against it so as to have something to brag about next year.  But his action does not mean that Barry’s ‘deal’ is in any real danger of being killed.

Chuckie's supposed opposition, announced in a lengthy statement, could, however unlikely, pave the way for more of Barry's fellow Democrats to come out against the nuclear pact announced on July 1 between the United States, five other world powers and Iran.  Chuckie is said to be among the most influential Jewish lawmakers in the United States.  He was the first Senate Democrat to announce his opposition to the agreement.  But 12 more Democrats would be needed to successfully override Barry’s threatened veto, which means another 11 Democrats can still safely vote against it.  So we should look for that to happen and not be surprised when it does.

Another supposedly ‘influential’ Jewish lawmaker is Rep. Eliot Engel who happens to be the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee and also said on Thursday that he too would oppose Barry’s nuclear pact.  Mr. Engel would also be one of those Democrats for whom there is likely an ulterior motive for coming out against this very bad deal.  You see, he too is up for re-election and has therefore likely been given permission to vote against this deal for purely political purposes.  Granted, he too may be a sure bet to win re-election but why take any unnecessary chances while at the same time being able to claim to be a defender of Israel.

Barry has been engaged in his own lobbying effort, including a combative speech on Wednesday in which he said abandoning the agreement would open up the prospect of war.  And in making quite clear his preference for operating out of the gutter, Barry attempted to shore up his increasingly unpopular “deal” with Iran which many say hands them nuclear weapons “on a silver platter.”  Barry gave what was billed as a “major” policy speech on the accord that Americans now have come to oppose by a 2-to-1 margin.  But all that matters very little to our ‘Dear Beloved Leader,’ Barry “Almighty”.  It’s all about him and his supposed legacy, or lack of. 

It was in that speech that we saw an obviously desperate Barry make some despicable comments, going so far as to compare the terror-sponsoring Iranian Mullahs to Republicans.  It was in reference to anti-American sentiments that Barry said, “I recognize the resorting to force may be tempting in the face of rhetoric and behavior that emanates from some parts of Iran.”  And added, “It is offensive. It is incendiary. We do take it seriously. But superpowers should not act impulsively in response to taunts.”  And he went on to say, “Just because Iranian hardliners chant ‘Death to America’ does not mean that’s what all Iranians believe.” 

And then in what has become typical behavior for this our least presidential of all American presidents, Barry proceeded to sink to what I think would be an all new low, even for him.  Because Barry would then say, “In fact, it’s those those hardliners who are most comfortable with the status quo. It’s those hardliners chanting ‘Death to America’ who have been most opposed to the deal. They are making a common cause with the Republican caucus.”  Really?  I mean, what is it that he was hoping to accomplish by making such a polarizing, arrogant and more than a little reckless statement?  Was he trying to bully those who oppose his deal into supporting it?

And then, of course, we have our imbecilic secretary of state, John Kerry-Heinz, the genius who ‘negotiated’, and I use that term very loosely, the deal on the U.S. side.  Kerry-Heinz said during a news conference on a visit to, of all places, the Vietnamese capital Hanoi that he respected Chuckie and Engel but added that "rejection is not a policy for the future."  Kerry-Heinz said, "It does not offer any alternative and many people in arms control and others have actually pointed that out. While I completely respect everybody's individual right to make a choice, I obviously disagree with the choice made."  What a buffoon this guy is.  It’s amazing.

Chuckie did his best to convince us that he was not influenced by party or politics and had not been pressured, like any of us would view that as being anything other than a bunch of political bullshit.  He said, "Advocates on both sides have strong cases for their point of view that cannot simply be dismissed. This has made evaluating the agreement a difficult and deliberate endeavor, and after deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching, I have decided I must oppose the agreement and will vote yes on a motion of disapproval."   Frankly I was surprised that he was actually able to get through his entire spiel and all with a straight face.

Barry has promised, no make that threatened, a veto if the resolution is passed by the House and Senate.  Now in order for the Republicans to shove that threat right up Barry’s ass, they would need at least 13 Democrats in the Senate and 44 in the House to join them in voting against Barry.  The have to be able to muster a two-thirds majority in both chambers needed in order to override a Barry veto.  So, while Thursday's announcements can, in a sense, be described as being a blow, albeit a minor one, to Barry, opponents of this deal still face a pretty steep uphill battle to enact a disapproval resolution.

Chuckie said lawmakers would have to come to their own conclusions but he would try to persuade other senators to vote against the Iran deal. Now that may be true, but Chuckie has a history of being a little less than honest.  Keep in mind that Chuckie is currently the number three Democrat in the Senate and is in line to succeed ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid as the party's leader in the chamber when ‘Dingy’ finally retires in early 2017.  Meanwhile, a congressional aide said Engel would vote for a resolution of disapproval and also vote to override a Barry veto if the resolution passed Congress.  However, Engel did not say he would lobby against the deal among other lawmakers.

Chuckie said he opposed the nuclear deal because he believed Iran would not change and that the deal would let it eliminate sanctions while retaining "nuclear and non-nuclear power."  He said, "Better to keep U.S. sanctions in place, strengthen them, enforce secondary sanctions on other nations, and pursue the hard-trodden path of diplomacy once more, difficult as it may be."  The White House had no immediate comment on Chuckie's announcement.  MoveOn.org said its 8 million members would organize a "donor strike" to withhold campaign contributions from "any Democratic candidate who succeeds in undermining the president's diplomacy with Iran."

Look, we will likely hear a lot more noise from what will likely be a growing number of Democrats regarding their displeasure with this ‘deal’, but that’s all it’s likely to be, noise.  It will only be for show as there is simply no way that there will be 13 Democrats willing to sign on to any veto override.  That being, of course, because the Democrat Party, Chuckie included, possesses a level of hatred for this country that runs so deep they could never choose sides against Barry and his Muslim brothers.  The very same Muslims who share with the Democrats that same intense hatred of America.  And by siding with Barry they are choosing to stand against this country.  

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