

Monday, August 3, 2015


A recent survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports is something that, to me, should serve as being the rough equivalent of a slap upside the collective head of the Republican Party.  The reason being this survey pointed out that if “The Donald” does go on to lose the Republican presidential nomination and then decides to run as a third-party candidate, he would most definitely come to put a serious crimp in any GOP plans to reclaim the White House.  It made clear that what we have here is the possibility of the same scenario in 2016 that we saw in 1992.  One that could allow Hitlery to win this time just as it made possible ‘Slick Willie’s’ win back then.

You see, it’s because of a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey that we now find out that 29% of ‘Likely U.S. Voters’ say that they are at least somewhat likely to vote for Trump if he is not chosen as the GOP nominee and decides to run as a third party candidate.  But that number includes only 14% who say they are Very Likely to vote for him.  Meanwhile, it’s 68% who say they are unlikely to vote for the billionaire developer if he runs as a third-party presidential candidate, with 51% who say it’s Not At All Likely.  However, this survey goes on to find even more worrisome news for the Republicans that they really ought to be paying attention to.

Because this survey also points out that it’s 36% of ‘Likely GOP Voters’ who say that they are likely to vote for Trump if he’s a third-party candidate, with 18% who are Very Likely to do so.  Also, it’s one-in-three, or 33%, voters who are not affiliated with either major party who are also likely Trump voters, including 16% who say they are Very Likely to vote for him if he runs third-party.  Even 19% of Democrats describe themselves as likely Trump voters, although that includes just 9% who say they are Very Likely to vote that way.  This is what happens when you insist upon running candidates who too closely resemble the opposition’s candidates.

Right now, Trump leads the pack of 17 Republican presidential hopefuls, going into their first debate this week.  It is 46% of all voters who say they have voted for an independent candidate not affiliated with either major political party.  Among these voters, 34% say they are likely to vote for Trump if he ends up running as a third-party presidential candidate, including 18% who say they are Very Likely to do so.  At this early stage of the game, name recognition is key, and the headlines Trump has been making in recent weeks have undoubtedly helped push him to the top of the heap.  But it will take more than that to remain there and the debates will tell us much. 

Here’s how all the presidential hopefuls stack up so far.  Men are more likely than women to have voted for an independent candidate.  Blacks are less likely to have voted that way compared to whites and other minority voters.  Trump is a more attractive third-party candidate to men and younger voters than he is to women and those 40 and over. Interestingly, roughly one-third of both conservative and liberal voters say they are likely to vote for Trump if he runs third-party, while 74% of moderates say they are Not At All Likely to do so.

Also 34% of voters who think the country is heading down the wrong track say they are likely to vote for Trump if he’s a third-party candidates, but just 21% of those who say the country is heading in the right direction agree.  As each candidate formally announced in recent weeks, Rasmussen asked voters in their respective parties what they think of the candidate and how they rate his or her chances to be their party’s nominee next year. Bush is seen as having the best shot among Republicans, with 56% who see him as the likely nominee, but his last name is a drawback for some.  As far as I’m concerned, his name doesn’t bother me as much as some of his positions. 

Hitlery Clinton remains far and away the leader for the Democrat nomination. But some in her party worry about her electability given the controversies swirling around her, and ‘Slow Joe’ Biden is now reportedly exploring a presidential bid to challenge her.  But let’s face it, at the end of the day the actual Democrat candidate isn’t really all that important.  Those who routinely vote for Democrats will be looking at which of their candidates stands the best chance of keeping their gravy-train in the tracks.  And if that proves to be Hitlery, so be it.  Their no sworn allegiance here by the parasite class, it’s all about who’s willing to pay the most for their vote.

In January 2012 just before the last presidential primary season kicked off, only 6% of Likely Republican Voters said they were prepared to vote third-party if their favorite didn’t win the party nomination.  As well 63% of all voters said later that year that the current electoral setup discourages third-party challenges.  This time those who vote GOP are looking for a bona fide conservative candidate that they can vote for, not a McCain or a Romney.  So if Bush, opposed by many conservatives because of his moderate views on illegal immigration and his support of the Common Core, wins the party nomination, will those right-leaning voters bolt to a third party Trump?

Now I’ll admit I voted for Perot back in 1992, but I just don’t see myself voting for Trump this time around should he decide to go the third party route.  Especially if the only possible outcome would be to virtually guarantee that Hitlery, and her pervert of a husband, would once again gain entry into the ‘People’s House’.  But having said that I am also not so sure that if Bush, or one of the other RINOs currently vying for the prize, were to be the one to win the GOP nomination I could bring myself to vote for any of them.  After all, I’ve been watching the RINOs since assuming control of Congress I’ve seen very little difference than when the Democrats were in charge.  

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