

Friday, May 22, 2015


I’m pretty sure that anyone who pays even the slightest amount of attention to politics is at least somewhat familiar with that racist loon from Minnesota, Rep. Keith Ellison.  Ellison is a member of the Minnesota state chapter of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, he’s a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and he is also the first Muslim ever to be elected.  So with a background such as this I’m never really surprised by anything that I hear come out of his mouth.

Another opportunity for him to cause little surprise came just last week when Ellison was heard telling graduates of something called the Hartford Seminary, “students ought to be able to go to college, they go to college for free in Germany.”  He went on to say, “We believe that the students ought to be able to go to college, they go to college for free in Germany. They’re not bigger than us, they are not richer than us - how can they send their kids to school for free and we cannot?”

According to the YouTube video posted by Hartford Seminary, an institution that describes itself as a non-denominational graduate school for religious and theological studies, the topic which Ellison was said to be addressing was something called the “Myth of Scarcity."  Ellison said, “We live in a world where we are told constantly ‘there is just not enough’. We are given the myth of scarcity all the time.”  The focus of Ellison’s ‘not enough’ rant seems to be only on money.

Ellison said, “There's just not enough. There’s not enough money so we cannot possibly afford to make sure our senior citizens retire in comfort –gotta cut social security. Oh, there’s not enough – so our students they just gotta pay 40-thousand dollars a year in loans, because there’s not enough to educate our young people.”  I would argue that if was truly was a leader he would focus not on the quantity of money the government has to spend, but how carefully that money should be spent. 

Government supported college has long been a theme of the progressive left and therefore of the Democrat Party.  Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (Commie-Vt.) has proposed government funded tuition for 4-year public colleges and universities.  Hitlery Clinton, supposed Democrat frontrunner, has called for making higher education as “debt-free as possible” and Barry “Almighty” has proposed making community college free for two years.

So besides being a U.S. congressman from Minnesota and the first Muslim elected to the U.S. House of Representatives what else is there of any interest regarding this creep?  Well, we know he’s been a supporter of ‘Calypso Louie’ Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, and even says that Farrakhan “is a role model for black youth,” “is not an anti-Semite,” and “is a sincere, tireless, and uncompromising advocate of the black community and other oppressed people around the world.”

And something else that proves what a creep this guy really is, is the fact that spoke favorably of the high-profile murderers and leftist icons Mumia Abu Jamal, Assata Shakur, and Geronimo Pratt.  He was also a former steering committee member of the National Lawyers Guild's Minnesota chapter, and publicly defended former Symbionese Liberation Army terrorist Kathleen Soliah.  And he also supported the activities of the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011.

Look, this boob is no different than any other Democrat, because with them it’s only about how much money can be spent, not how responsibly it can be spent.  There is absolutely no regard for those who go out and work hard every day only to see as much as a third of their wages simply taken from them by the government which then turns around and wastes much of it.  But pond-scum like Ellison couldn’t care less about those folks, because they tend not to vote for Democrats anyway.  

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