

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Frankly, I’m just not sure how much more in the way of proof anyone might need before finally being able to come to the conclusion that John Kerry-Heinz is, without a doubt, the most inept, incompetent, and impotent secretary of state this nation has ever had.  Worse even than Hitlery Clinton, Madeleine ‘Not-So-Bright, Cyrus Vance or Warren Christopher.  And it’s when compared to Kerry-Heinz that even Neville Chamberlain can be made to look like an absolute foreign policy genius.  And since assuming his current position, he has picked up where Hitlery Clinton left off in furthering leftist effort to reduce this country to the point of being irrelevant.

So what, you may ask, has gotten me to the point where I would make such a declaration regarding our esteemed Mr. Kerry-Heinz?  Well, maybe it’s the fact that according to Kerry-Heinz the foreign recruits who are joining the ranks of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are not doing so because of their religious fervor but instead because they are gullible enough to believe that the cause embarked upon is glamorous and successful.  Sorry John, but the only gullible one in this discussion is….YOU!  Sadly, however, for the man who heads up the foreign policy of this country to say such a thing makes it quite clear that he is far more than simply gullible.

So it was then that while attending the recent White House ‘summit’, the subject of which was the countering of what it calls “violent extremism”, Mr. Kerry- Heinz was heard to say, “Let’s be honest: Those recruiting for Da’esh (how the French refer to ISIS) are not looking for people who are devout and knowledgeable about the tenets of Islam.”  He went on to say, “They’re looking for people who are gullible enough to believe that terrorists enjoy a glamorous lifestyle, and pliable enough to do whatever they are told, and who are attracted by the perception of success.”  If it were truly that simple, then perhaps having Kerry-Heinz in his job might not be so dangerous.

Kerry-Heinz cited as being his example the reported case of two British men who went to join ISIS last year.  He made the claim that before leaving both bought the books Islam for Dummies and The Koran for Dummies.  Kerry-Heinz said while ISIS’ leaders were evil, they were not stupid.  Now I dare say that it has become very obvious after having watched how it is that John Kerry-Heinz has performed over the years, that if there is one thing that he knows more than a thing or two about, it’s being stupid.  Because it’s been on more than one occasion that he has proven himself to be one of those rare individuals capable of raising stupidity to somewhat of an art form.

Kerry-Heinz said, “That’s why the vast majority of suicide bombers and the frontline fighters are foreign recruits. You won’t find the bosses on the front lines.”  And then he added, “They give the orders so they can let other people, particularly gullible people who joined from abroad and think they’re fulfilling some higher mission – they let them pay the price.”  Apparently some of the same comments he made on Wednesday were lifted from an earlier speech he gave at the Transformational Trends Forum in Washington last November, except it was on that occasion that he used the administration’s earlier favored term for the terrorist group, ISIL, rather than Da’esh.

In his remarks on Wednesday, Kerry-Heinz described ISIS’ agenda as “a tyranny that seeks to impose a seventh century world view on a 21st century world.”  Later on Wednesday, at a reception for summit participants, Kerry-Heinz said the terrorists’ aim was “to drive us apart, to divide us and scare us, to frighten us away from values that have guided us for centuries.”  All very fine words, but really not much more than that.  Kerry-Heinz, like his pathetic boss, can’t even bring himself to call these murdering animals what they are or properly discuss the danger they represent not only to this nation but to the world.  And until they can, not much will change.  

He said, “We’re not about to let a bunch of thugs, and basic criminals and murderers stand in our way.”  He went on to say, “The hope that we have for our children is not to strap a suicide vest on them, but to enable them to live and to love and to start families, build careers, pursue their dreams in safety, and give back to their communities in their countries.”  Kerry-Heinz spoke of a vision of “a world where people can go to a mosque, go to a church, go to a temple, go to a synagogue, without fear – without the fear of simply being blown up, without the fear of any discrimination.”  And yet he has done precious little to make that a reality.

My earlier comparison to Chamberlain was no mistake.  Because it’s upon closer inspection that we see that the similarities between the forces of evil that have existed during both men’s times is rather striking, as is each man’s view of how best to deal with those same forces of evil.  Appeasement was seen then, just as it is today, as being the tactic of choice.  But it had no effect on preventing WW II just as it has little chance of curbing the rabid Islamists of today.  History shows us what it is that we must do in responding to the Islamist plague of today, but only if we choose to pay attention.  There is but one way to respond, exterminate the evil.

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