

Friday, February 6, 2015


At a time when it seems that far too many Americans are infatuated with the rather bizarre exploits of Bruce Jenner as he moves forward on his mission to become a ‘woman’, than seem the least bit interested in the fact that our country is quite literally being destroyed right before eyes.  So, how is it that we can possibly hope that, come the next presidential election, they will have the desire, or even the willingness, or will be sufficiently lucid, to vote for someone who might actually work to undo some of what has been done over the course of what will be, by then, the last eight years?  Personally, I’m not holding out much hope.

At the same time that there are so many things that are in urgent need of being discussed, far too many people are far too easily distracted by such unimportant topics as missing airplanes, supposed blizzards of the century that don’t quite materialize, deflated footballs and now, of all things, the gender transformation of some weirdo.  Really?  Are any of these things really all that much more important to people than is the future of their children and the sort of country that we, their supposedly responsible parents, will be leaving behind for them to endure?  Is that really the best we can do?  If so, what a sad state of affairs! 

To me, at least, it would seem that living in this age of Barry “Almighty” can be said to very closely resemble a ‘National Inquirer’ kind of world.  It’s like whatever bizarre event or circumstance that comes along is somehow automatically deserving of 24/7/365 news coverage.  It seems as if EVERYTHING is perceived as being so much more important than is the preservation of our country and our way of life.  Come on folks, we really do need to get our act together, and focus on those things that are most important, even crucial, not only to our survival but the wellbeing of our children. We have so little time left to get our shit together.   

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