

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


If you spend any amount of time listening to Democrats, it becomes pretty obvious, pretty quickly, that they seem to have completely forgotten that it was just a few months ago there was presidential election that they lost, and in rather humiliating fashion. So, they no longer really have much say in how the winner of that election may choose to lead our country. Elections, as they say, have consequences but Democrats are apparently of the opinion that they are somehow immune to those consequences. Whereas the rest of us spent the last four years trying to deal with some pretty dire consequences of that which was essentially a stolen election.

That said it was recently that we had yet another Democrat, one that few outside of his congressional district have heard of, behaving as if he and his party actually had some say in the policies being enacted by our current president. And it was in so doing that he expressed absolute outrage regarding how it is that President Trump is now making good on his promise to deport as many as he can of those in this country who do not belong here. And leave it to MSDNC to provide this loser with a platform from which to spew one lie after another regarding what it is that is actually underway here. Apparently he sees nothing wrong with allowing criminals into this country.

It was on Monday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Deadline,” that Rep. Jason Crow, Democrat, rather boldly declared that he was not going to tolerate the Trump administration’s mass deportations of children and families. “Not going to tolerate?” This dude acts like he’s far more important and powerful than he actually is when in reality he is a dime a dozen congressman from the losing party that just got kicked to the curb. Another loudmouth on the side of a losing argument trying to sound like a tough guy. Democrats seem to think they are all powerful. In reality, they’re nothing. This guy can cry crocodile tears all he wants, but there’s nothing he can do but whine.

Host, and resident bimbo, Nicolle Wallace said, “The Trump administration says this is just the beginning, the opening salvo, if you will. They’ve indicated that one of the next towns could that could be targeted could be Aurora, Colorado.”  She asked, “What are you hearing from your constituents?” Crow said, “Well Nicolle I represent one of the most diverse communities in the country, and I just want to paint a picture for you. This is a community where nearly 20 percent of my constituents were born outside of the United States. I have 130 languages spoken in my public school system. And these folks are business owners. They go to school with my kids."

This dolt went on to say, “They work in our businesses. They are so much a part of the lifeblood and the strength and the vibrancy of our community. They are afraid. Which is why I’m standing up and I’m being very clear about what we’re going to tolerate and what we won’t.” Why does Crow think that 130 languages in his school district is a good thing? He added, “I think this. is important for every American right. now to be really clear about what it is we’re dealing with. I haven’t heard or talked to anybody who says we shouldn’t deport and detain violent criminals, that we shouldn’t clean up our streets and keep communities, keep our children safe."

He said, “Everybody agrees on that, and it’s already a crime. What we’re talking about is a mass deportation. A mass deportation that’s rounding up everybody, children, families. business owners. And I would like somebody in the Trump Administration to explain to me how doing that is actually going to reduce costs, help our businesses, help our communities, and make us more safe, because doing that will do the exact opposite and they know it.” And then proving that she’s even more of joke journalist than even I realized, it was Wallace who said, “So what is the list of what you will tolerate and will not for your district?"

Crow said, “Well, I’m not going to tolerate mass deportation of efforts of children and families and people who are striving to start a life here, who want to normalize their status within the United States. We owe those folks. comprehensive immigration reform, because that’s in our best interests of our economy.” Let me remind this boob that we had comprehensive immigration reform in the 1980s, along with blanket amnesty. And a few years later we were right back to the way it was, with people streaming across the border. It’s time to say enough is enough. No more amnesty! That’s comprehensive immigration reform! Ship them all back! Every last one of them.

Why do Democrats care more about illegal criminals than they do about the safety of American citizens, or the sovereignty of the United States? What’s wrong with these people? They have to see what these criminals are doing, attacking young and old, thieving, harming, killing, human trafficking kids and the distribution of drugs. Do they think their actions make them look like they care more than the people who don’t want these criminals here? Don’t they understand that most Americans want these illegals gone? That’s just one reason why they lost and will continue to lose. They choose to stand against President Trump, even to the detriment of our country.

President Trump won both the popular vote and Electoral College. We voted for his immigration policy and he’s delivering. Leftist views will not be tolerated. If one is here illegally, he or she started out by breaking our laws. So, despite all of Crow’s protestations, the law is the law. Everyone needs to take note on how these democrats are prioritizing illegals over their own constituents and American citizens. Why do these Democrats continue to pretend that we don’t already have a pathway to citizenship? We accept over 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually. They truly believe their constituents are stupid. How else could they lie to them so easily?

Crow is simply spreading misinformation, disinformation and lies. He knows exactly what type of people are being arrested and deported. We owe these illegals nothing. They came here illegally, took advantage of us, stole from us, lived off of handouts, hid in the shadows, raped, maimed, killed our citizens. We should be giving each and every one without regard to age, sex, religion, race a one-way ticket back to wherever it was that they came from. If they don’t want family separation, then allow the families to travel together as a unit. When the last one leaves our country then we can begin thinking about resuming our ‘legal Immigration’ program again.

If this guy is not going to tolerate federal authorities enforcing federal law, then he becomes obstructive and is interfering with the officer’s duty and subject to arrest. Perhaps 90 days inside a jail cell might convince him. Frankly I’m sick of these idiots who think the law is more a set of guidelines rather than a legal mandate which is voted on by the people and their representatives. If he doesn’t like it, tough. These illegal immigrants are felons. They chose to enter illegally and, despite having children with them, should be returned with their children. No quarter given. They are depending on pulling heartstrings for accommodation. We must not give in.

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