

Saturday, December 7, 2024


Unless my understanding of history is totally assbackwards, I could have sworn that what was known as the Jim Crow laws were the brainchild of those in the Democrat Party. The laws affected almost every aspect of daily life, mandating segregation of schools, parks, libraries, drinking fountains, restrooms, buses, trains, and restaurants. "Whites Only" and "Colored" signs were constant reminders of the enforced racial order. And despite the fact that it was the Democrats who came up with these laws, we’re constantly being told by Democrats today that somehow it’s Donald Trump, a Republican, who somehow yearns for a return to the days of Jim Crow.

And it’s one of those who spend a great deal of their time doing their best to sound the supposed alarm is, of course, none other than James Clyburn, Democrat from South Carolina. And it was Clyburn who, during an appearance this past Friday on CNN’s “Inside Politics” actually attempted to make the argument that the country was in danger of Jim Crow laws returning because voters did not prioritize democracy. Host and resident moron Dana Bash said, “I want to switch gears to something that former President Obama said. He made I believe his first comments since the election. He said this last night. I want you to take a listen."

It was Thursday in Chicago that ex-president ‘BO’ said, “Talk of bridging our differences when the country and the world seemed so bitterly divided felt like an academic exercise, it felt farfetched, even naive. Especially since as far as they were concerned, the election proved that democracies pretty far down on people’s priority list.” Democracy is far down the list? Really? Well, let’s start by saying we aren't a democracy but a constitutional republic, the democratic process was in full view as the American people democratically voted in President Trump. ‘BO’ spoke about the “bitter division” when he’s the one who started the whole division mess.

Personally, I’m thinking that both ‘BO’ and Jimmy, are both very wrong. I don’t see the reelection of President Trump isn’t about bringing Jim Crow back. It certainly didn’t happen the last time Donald Trump was president, and there’s no reason to expect it to happen this time. In fact, black did quite well the last time Donald Trump was in the White House. This is simply more drivel from men who absolutely excel at spewing drivel. Democracy resulted in President Trump and Republican majorities. Democracy kicked Democrat asses to the curb. ‘BO’ gave us a rebirth of racism disguised as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and, now, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

Anyway, it getting back to the subject at hand, Bash said, “What do you make of the former president’s comments?” Clyburn said, “Well, I think they ring true. Not that they should be true but they have demonstrated that that is the case. I you know, you know me very well, and you know that I spent a lot of time studying history. I’ve talked about this election, even going in the run up to the election from a historical standpoint. I seem to remember, as we were celebrating the 100th anniversary of this country’s existence, we had a presidential election in 1876 and you see what happened to democracy in that election, it led to Jim Crow."

Clyburn went on to say, “I’m the ninth African-American to serve in Congress from South Carolina the problem is that 95 years between number eight and number nine because democracy was driven so far down on people’s lists back in 1876. There’s a danger of that happening again.” Another leftist idiot trying to keep racism alive and well. Clyburn refuses to acknowledge that Black people are now educated, even highly educated, so Jim Crow is gone the way of slavery. These race hustlers retain power by continually creating the narrative that racism awaits around every corner. He doesn't want black privilege to disappear is what he's really saying.

Perhaps Jim Clyburn forgets, or conveniently ignores the fact, that, as I previously pointed out, the Jim Crow Laws were written by Democrats! As were Segregation and the Ku Klux Klan creations of the Democrats as well. Clyburn is a one trick pony. He's a Democrat Plantation overseer his job is to keep the slaves in line. Democrats have a hard time letting go of their old ways. If they were going to bring it back it probably would have been under the Biden regime. This grifter represents one of the poorest districts in SC and can only bring up boogie men of the past as to blame for everything. He should retire. His day is done.

Clearly Clyburn has no concept of history or the fact that Jim Crow laws were put into place by the Democrat Party which did everything that it possibly could to tamp down black participation in our society. If there was a delay between freeing slaves and their participation in government, it was 100% the fault of his own party. Clyburn is so far off base that’s he's not even on the playing field. Throughout his long and rather pointless political career, Clyburn has brought fearmongering and race baiting to a high art form. He would fade away without race division. And ‘BO’s entire agenda was to divide the nation along racial lines. He turned the nation back decades.

Those like Clyburn both misuse, and overuse, of such terms as raciest, those who scream about it endlessly are, more often than not, the guiltiest. I absolutely love watching brainless Democrats bleat about how they “studied history” and then go on to try and act like it wasn’t them that did every horrible thing they whine about. Listening to these people whine about racism and the like is the same as listening to an arson complain about all the fires he’s been setting. Civil rights used to be about treating everyone the same. But today some people are so used to special treatment that equal treatment is considered to be discrimination.

Whys is it that those on the left such as ‘BO’ and Jimmy continue to claim that democracy is endangered because an unqualified liberal Democrat fails to win an election. Doesn’t opinion of the American people matter? Not to those on the left, I guess! The only thing that matters to them is that the left is able to gain and/or retain control over us. President Trump and most of his supporters have no interest in going backwards. Jim Crow laws were passed by Democrats. These laws were changed by Republicans. And it’s been the Democrats who have done all they could to halt the progress of rights for all citizens. It has been Republicans who supported equal rights.

The Republicans were the ones who passed the Civil Rights Act. Democrats were the ones wearing sheets. Democrats like Clyburn believe their constituency really is that stupid. Clyburn believes that blacks can never be successful without government intervention. Up until 1960, blacks voted Republican, had nearly identical unemployment and out of wedlock birthrates as whites. With his ‘Great Society’ legislation LBJ accomplished his mission when he bragged about having blacks voting Democrat for the next 200 years. Although his language was a bit more colorful. Clyburn now appears more than a bit worried that voting block is now fracturing, that he needs to try and reel them back in.

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