

Friday, June 17, 2022


Whether it’s out of pure desperation, courtesy of some sort of complete mental breakdown or something far more sinister, the Left continues to make increasingly outrageous claims about President Trump, the guy who seems to have driven the Democrats, and more than a few RINOs, completely over the edge when it comes to whether, or not, he intends to run for re-re-election in 2024. And if there is one certainty in this ever-changing world, it’s the fact that the craziness is only going to intensify, and likely exponentially. Because, you see, there is absolutely nothing that the Democrats will not say, or do, in order to maintain their grip on power.

And now with few Americans choosing to tune in to watch their televised shit show of show trial, Democrats have, in what I assume is an effort to attract viewers, apparently decided to take their craziness to the next level, to the point of making themselves look quite crazy. Not exactly how you want to appear to voters as you head into an election which many so-called experts are already saying is going to be a bloodbath, politically speaking of course, for the Democrats. And what’s truly crazy is that you’d have to be as nuts as they are to believe any of their more outlandish claims. And yet they persist in making accusations that have no basis in any fact.

The most ridiculous claims yet to be heard, comes from some leftwing ex-Harvard nutjob of a law professor who the Democrats seem to hold in rather high regard for no other reason than he hates President Trump as much as they do. It was during an appearance this past Thursday on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront,” that crackpot Laurence Tribe claimed that President Trump attempted to murder Mike Pence on January 6, 2021. Burnett asked, “From everything you have seen so far, including the hearing today that focused so much on Trump causing violence against Pence, do you believe the committee has proven that Trump himself knowingly committed crimes?"

Tribe said, “Without any doubt, beyond a reasonable doubt, beyond any doubt, and the crimes are obvious. The most obvious was that he was ordering his vice-president to do what everyone in the room knew would be illegal, namely, exercise power to pick the next president. It would be very convenient if Al Gore could have picked himself as the next president in 2000, very convenient if Richard Nixon could have done it in 1960.” He continued, “Ordering your vice-president to violate the law in order to stay in power is a very serious federal crime, but there are other crimes as well. One that occurred to several people today is attempted murder."

And it this same hack/nutjob went on to say, “You know, under the criminal code of the United States, the attempted murder of the vice-president is punishable by life imprisonment. What we saw with the president egging the crowd on, telling them that, basically, his own vice-president was a traitor while he knew that the mob had gallows waiting for him, that’s pretty serious stuff. You don’t have to go to law school to know that there’s something seriously criminal about that. There are other crimes that have been proven. Those are plenty to start with.” So I ask you, just how much of moron, or how desperate, must you be to believe such a wild-ass claim?

So, I ask you, I know those on the Left view this guy as being nothing short of a genius, but just exactly how can he be so absolutely convinced of something that he did not witness and was hundreds of miles away from the scene when it was supposed to have occurred? It’s really quite amazing. Even if he had been in Washington on that day, he still would not have witnessed it, without being in the very same room, but he would have noticed that the ruckus at the Capitol began long before President Trump had finished speaking. But look, this is what these people do. They simply make shit up, repeat it over and over again, and look at YOU strange when you don’t buy it!

Rumor has it that it was once upon a time that this guy, Tribe, was a fairly respected law professor, even among conservatives. But these days he appears to be nothing more than just another crazy old liberal, something that has become quite common in these days under ‘Shitbag Joey.’ Tribe is just another run-of-the-mill Harvard moron. No, President Trump did not want Pence to “exercise power to pick the next president.” President Trump wanted him to delay certification until all the apparent voter fraud could be investigated, so that we could have an honest election certified. That is what every decent American should have wanted to see take place.

And let’s face it, if they legitimately had something that they could use to arrest President Trump, it would’ve been done a long time ago. They’ve had over a year of investigating it, with the full power of the federal government behind the investigation, and they’ve shown no reason for President Trump to be arrested. Zip, Zero, Zilch, Nadda! Exactly like when he was in office, if they really had had any proof of “Russian collusion” he would’ve been impeached for real. So obviously, once again they’ve got nothing. How did we end up with so many stupid and uneducated people? I think we can thank teachers and professors like this moron, Tribe.

This kangaroo court is going nowhere, so now these idiots are trying to say that President Trump wanted to murder the hapless Pence? Not only is that an out of this world reach, it is the most illegal thing these leftists have come up with to date pertaining to the charade called, January 6. But stay tuned, these fanatics may yet have more trash up their sleeves that is going nowhere just like everything else they’ve tried. This insanity has cost taxpayers millions of dollars. Why do we insist upon electing these people who refuse to do the job of getting this country up and running, instead trying to ‘get Trump’ while the country is made to collapse.

The only thing criminal that has occurred is the extent to which the shenanigans in the 2020 election were allowed to take place. We should never have stopped counting in the middle of the night, we know there is extensive ballot harvesting from the illegal drop boxes, we know there were illegal votes that were counted, the list goes on and on. This will never be forgotten, and it certainly is not President Trump’s fault for calling it out. Justice will be served before all is said and done. Also, we better make sure things are squeaky clean next time. Otherwise, the consequences could be intense. And no counting after election night, this is seriously asking for trouble.

It’s clear that these scumbags have now gone full-on crazy. If they can think it’s up, then they will prop it up. This so-called committee should all be re-called by their states and put out like yesterday’s trash. And this ‘win at all costs’ nonsense they engage in, and perpetuate, is deranged. Look, the only way this will ever change is if we stop electing lawyers to these positions. It’s in their blood to call each other names, wrongly accuse under legalese, stretch the truth, or tell outright lies, shape the law to their benefit, and all the while not doing what it was that they were elected to do. They are nothing but a bunch of self-centered greedy assholes.

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