If one wasn’t already calling into question the mental fitness of our selected *president, it would seem that his most recent remarks would certainly have them now doing so. Now of course, we could simply chalk up those same remarks as being just another example of what seems to be his near constant state of total confusion. Or the fact that Democrats do tend to define economic success far differently than do those of us who are actually out working in the economy. Apparently ‘Creepy Joe’ would have us all believe that the economy that his policies have brought about is far better than the one made possible by the policies of President Trump.
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Friday, December 31, 2021
If one wasn’t already calling into question the mental fitness of our selected *president, it would seem that his most recent remarks would certainly have them now doing so. Now of course, we could simply chalk up those same remarks as being just another example of what seems to be his near constant state of total confusion. Or the fact that Democrats do tend to define economic success far differently than do those of us who are actually out working in the economy. Apparently ‘Creepy Joe’ would have us all believe that the economy that his policies have brought about is far better than the one made possible by the policies of President Trump.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Personally, I find it to be so very disheartening that one of my very favorite TV shows, ‘Jeopardy,’ has now seen fit to go ‘woke, and to officially become what is nothing more than just another run of the mill freak show and all courtesy of some dude who claims to be a woman. A claim that has apparently been very enthusiastically endorsed by both the show, and its network, to the point where ‘he’ has now been crowned as the ‘woman’ who has won the most games. And I have no doubt that Alex, were he still alive and who was, himself, a bit of a left winger, is looking on from wherever it is that he might be and smiling contently at the insanity of it all.
And so, gone now are the days when I could come home after a long day and relax a little while watching ‘Wheel of Fortune’ and then ‘Jeopardy.’ These days I’m now left with taking out my frustration yelling at those morons who insist upon wasting their money buying vowels for no apparent reason because I’m now done watching ‘Jeopardy,’ at least for as long as this ‘woman’ remains on the show. You see, when you know the show is rigged in favor of a certain contestant, it becomes far less interesting to watch, and that is exactly what’s going on here. That, and I refuse to have this ‘transgender’ crap continually shoved down my throat.
So, Jeopardy is now awarding women’s records to a transgender man, and corporate parent NBC News is hailing Amy Schneider as the “highest-earning female contestant in the game show’s nearly 57-year run.” Larissa Kelly, who formerly held the women’s prize record, actually congratulated Schneider in a December 24 tweet. Schneider, thanked Kelly saying, “Thanks so much, I’m honored to be in your company, and I look forward to some day watching the woman who beats us both!” And then, something I found to be quite bizarre, Kelly replied, “I hope there will be a long line of such women, but you are certainly setting the bar extremely high for them!"
Apparently Kelly is, herself, a bit of a leftwing loon and it’s as such that she is said to oppose many of the ‘evolved’ civic distinctions, such as “female” and “male,” that ordinary people need to manage their simultaneous cooperation and competition in free societies. Unsurprisingly, it’s Kelly who also opposes ordinary people’s distinctions between Americans and foreigners. It was in a September tweet that she touted her opposition to border enforcement, even when migrants flood across the U.S. borders to take Americans’ identities, jobs, and housing. ‘Jeopardy’ apparently invited Schneider to come on the show and is now touting ‘her’ appearance.
The left continues to escalate its war on women, replacing them with mentally ill men. And it is my hope that liberal women everywhere get to watch as their records are shattered by these trans-crazies. Serves them right! And, it’s a powerful lesson that some of them just may learn after while: That girls and boys are only equal in importance before God. Beyond that, they are not equal at all: each of them has strengths and weaknesses that the other gender does not possess. And if they really can do everything a man can do (and better!) then they should have no problem beating these trans-crazies when they have to compete against them, right?
This clown, Amy, is a guy. He was born a guy and he’ll die a guy. Pretending to be a woman won’t change a thing. Transgenderism is a fraud movement. There is no such thing as a transgendered person. You are what you were born as. Personally, I will continue to refer to them as “it.” I don’t care what pronoun they prefer. They are all mentally ill. And it will be a cold day in Hell before I allow such people to reshape my reality. No matter how the politically correct crowd wants to spin it, it’s a dude in a dress with a pretty serious psychiatric issue. Slapping a dress on a man doesn’t make him a woman anymore than slapping a jock strap on a girl makes her a man.
As to all the people who continue to prostrate themselves to this mindlessness, you enable this. This would all end tomorrow if people would just stop being such cowards and simply said “enough of this insanity”! Ignore or refuse to acknowledge this and it will soon come to an end. A lot of women championed the homosexual movement. Any many voted for ‘Creepy Joe.’ I have a question for them? Do they like the results from the seeds they have sown? Feminist Democrats are traitors to women for not standing up for real women. And I’m curious, do any of them have daughters who are interested in sports and do they think it fair for them to compete against boys?
These people can not, in any way, be considered as normal. What they are, are sick, sick, sick. We should not allow them to ruin our society and we must not be afraid to protest against this ongoing sickness. It’s the only way we’re going to save our society. No matter how much one insists that a turd is chocolate, it is still, and always will be, a turd. The same goes for this transgender delusion. It is complete madness to accept transgenderism as being anything other than a type of severe mental illness. Lefties are so hilarious. They can smugly tell you what the weather is going to be in a hundred years, but they’re not sure which bathroom to use.
Women’s lib attacked men in order to gain what women saw as being unequal access and treatment. So, what did men do? Apparently many became women (at least just enough to pretend to be one) and took over their entire existence. And the extra fun part is that those on the left actually encourage and protect the whole thing!!! Men are obliterating women’s records across all types of sporting events and many women are actually congratulating them, how insane is that? Frankly, it all sounds more than a bit self-destructive to me. Well, you ladies had a good run, but you can say bye bye to any effort you ever put into obtaining any achievements.
And it’s knowing, as we all do, NBC’s penchant for putting their finger on the scale, to make sure their woke favorites win, I have absolutely no doubt that ‘she’ is very likely getting the answers beforehand. This entire circus is clearly being rigged in ‘her’ favor. The whole thing is such a farce. Schneider is NOT a female, Schneider is a MAN. This is nothing more than ‘fake news.’ And worse, it’s insulting to all real women everywhere. ‘Jeopardy’ has certainly gone downhill since Alex died. But I doubt seriously that he’s turning over in his grave regarding what’s going on. Far from viewing it as sickening, I’m quite sure that were he alive he would condone it.
We are living in very sad times. How in the world can anyone think this is acceptable? I really don’t care how others live their lives, but this is getting ridiculous. All of these ‘males’ playing dress up to make themselves feel superior to women and take away their accomplishments. Where are the parents? Especially the fathers? Amazing that we the 99%, must placate the 1%, snuff out our common sense, and pretend that we believe these dudes are women, only because they want to be? Nobody really believes they are women, but to say so could cost some their employment and God know what else. At what point does America push back against this rabid liberalism?
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Those who used to listen to Rush should be quite familiar with the nickname he had for Harry Reid, ‘Dingy Harry.’ And you’ll have to forgive me for choosing to celebrate the death of this ‘dingy’ politician! I hope it was quite painful and properly prepared him for the flames that awaited him! He lived his political life as a hate promoting bully. Through his power and influence, he was insufferably arrogant, proud of the lies he told and the dirty tricks he played. He abused his power and influence in order to crush those he opposed, and the world will surely be a better place without him.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
It was with perhaps a hint of desperation in his voice and, dare I say, a touch of fear that Tony Fauci recently once again demonstrated his determination to do all that he can to continue to sound the alarm as he warned us all of the potential dangers involved in choosing to gather together with friends and family, this time when welcoming in the New Year. I say a touch of fear because Tony, like so many on his side of the political aisle, likely sees the handwriting on the wall regarding, at least, the potential outcome of an election that is now just over the horizon.
Monday, December 27, 2021
Politically speaking, there continues to be much talk about some ‘red wave’ that may, or may not, be looming just over the horizon, but I can’t help but wonder if it might be nothing more than a case of wishful thinking. Because, quite frankly, it’s going to take a great deal more than words for it to become a reality. A little incentive must also be provided. And right now, despite the debacle that we have all been watching unfold over the course of the last 11 months, Republicans still seem to be lacking when it comes to convincing enough of the American people to trust them as being willing, and able, to reverse any of what has now gone so horribly wrong.
Sunday, December 26, 2021
To be honest, it’s getting harder and harder to determine just who it is that’s proving to be the more desperate in their effort to hold onto power? Is it the Democrats who after having painted themselves into a bit of a corner and will now say whatever they must if they are to have any hope of avoiding, what recent polls seem to be indicating, what will be a day reckoning? Or is it Fauci, who seems quite determined in his effort to prolong the fear of that which, in all likelihood, is nothing more than the flu and is driven by what, just as likely, is his fear of losing many of his closest allies in roughly a year if, in fact, the Democrats do lose their grip on Congress.
Friday, December 24, 2021
So how is it, do you suppose, that future generations will come to view this specific moment in time? Well, I think that that will depend a great deal on just how much longer we, the American people, allow this insanity, regarding both this fraudulent *president as well as this fraudulent *pandemic that we’re forced to contend with on what has become a daily basis, to continue. After all, we now have a man in the White House who very clearly does not belong there and who, just as clearly, got there under what were some very questionable circumstances, to say the least. There is simply no way that this man was elected by the majority of the American people.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Well folks, apparently, it’s official, no Christmas this year. Because, you see, it’s the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), that entity which we have all come to recognize as being nothing more than a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party, that is now saying that we have a choice to make, either we skip celebrating Christmas this year or we risk losing loved ones over something as silly was wanting to celebrate our most religious of holidays. Well, I’m here to tell everyone that I could not care less what they’re saying, it’s me and mine who WILL be getting together on Christmas. They’re not going to tell me what I can, and cannot, do!
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Unless you’re someone who’s been living under a rock, I’m pretty sure you’ve been hearing our chorus of RINOs telling anyone who would listen how it would be nothing short of a political disaster, not only for the Republican Party but for America as well, if it’s Donald Trump who turns out to be the party’s nominee for president in 2024. Now granted, it’s been many of these very same naysayers who have also been busily touting themselves as being the best possible alternative to Mr. Trump. Look, we all know who these clowns are and I’m fairly certain that most of us are able to clearly recognize what a waste of a vote it would be to vote for any of one of them.
Monday, December 20, 2021
Look, I know I’m likely seen by some as sounding like broken record, but I just can’t help myself. Tony Fauci is not some savior who cares only about keeping the American people safe. Hell, he helped to create this supposed threat to public health. He is an evil little man who is not to be trusted and the longer he is provided platforms from which to spew his endless stream of lies, the more determined the American people need to be in choosing not to listen to him. They would be doing themselves a yuge favor if they were to simply ignore all that he, those in the Democrat Party and in the ‘fake news’ media who continue to see him as some sort of God, has to say.
Friday, December 17, 2021
Once again we have another scumbag Democrat who seems to be of the opinion that the vast majority of Americans are nothing more than a bunch of stupid rubes who will believe pretty much whatever it is that they’re told. And while it’s those of us who live in the real world, it’s Democrats who seem to live in a place that’s somewhere between ‘Fantasy Land’ and ‘The Twilight Zone.’ And it’s nothing they say that any longer makes any amount of sense. And you really do have to wonder if they actually believe any of the things they say, or if they say them in the hopes they’ll actually be believed. Which brings me to Sen. Chris Coons, a Democrat.
Thursday, December 16, 2021
It’s right about now that you have to be asking yourself, what’s the REAL reason behind the Democrats’ continuing effort to turn as many Americans as they can against President Trump? And just why is it that they are trying to hard and appear so desperate in doing do? Do they really think he represents a danger to our Republic or, is it far more likely that what they are truly afraid of is that he will be able to further expose how it is they who represent a far bigger danger to the Republic than they could ever accuse President Trump of being? And still Democrats refuse to realize that those who support him will never abandon him. That’s just not going to happen.