

Friday, November 23, 2018


Is it just me, or is it becoming increasingly apparent that Democrats will support absolutely anything if they think it will, in any way, improve their chances of first gaining power, and then maintaining it.  I mean we all know the only reason they support the allowing of our country to be flooded with all manner of illegal immigrants is because these immigrants will likely be voting for them.  Now there seems to a growing number of Democrats who are favor of illegalizing marijuana because, after all, a stoned population is a compliant population that won't notice the government taking away their rights.  It’s just all a bit unseemly, but then we are talking about Democrats here, Democrats who care about power above all else.

For instance, it was a member of that Bay State band of inbreds, Joe Kennedy III, who had opposed legislation legalizing pot in his own state, but reversed his position on Tuesday, the same day Massachusetts’ first legal pot shops opened their doors.  Kennedy expressed concerns over the drug in a Tuesday op-ed published in STAT, but ultimately called for an end to the federal ban on pot.  The Democrat had long been opposed to legalization efforts on both the state and federal levels and reiterated that opposition as recently as March.  Now, Kennedy argues that marijuana’s inclusion as a Schedule I substance alongside heroin and LSD is overkill and only serves to prevent American companies from running effective clinical trials.

And oddly enough it was in using the very same language used by Democrats when speaking out about our immigration system that he wrote, “Our federal policy on marijuana is badly broken, benefiting neither the elderly man suffering from cancer whom marijuana may help nor the young woman prone to substance use disorder whom it may harm.”  And it was from there that he went on to say, “The patchwork of inconsistent state laws compounds the dysfunction. Our federal government has ceded its responsibility — and authority — to thoughtfully regulate marijuana. This needs to change.”  So apparently he was against it before he was for it.  But then this is the sort of drivel we’ve become accustomed to hearing from Democrats.

Kennedy’s federal legalization push is also nicely timed with the ouster of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  Sessions had been among the fiercest opponents of pot legalization during his time in the Senate and lead crackdowns on its use as attorney general.  And it was Sessions who had said back in February, “Experts are telling me there’s more violence around marijuana than one would think and there’s big money involved.”  And added, “Most of you probably know I don’t think America is going to be a better place when more people of all ages and particularly young people start smoking pot. I believe it’s an unhealthy practice and current levels of THC in marijuana are very high compared to what they were a few years ago.”

Democrats like Joe have zero interest in any impact the legalization of pot might have on both the lives of users and on society as a whole.  And with all the pro-medical marijuana publicity and the clamoring for the decriminalization of the drug, it can be hard to remember that marijuana is indeed damaging and addictive and causes many harmful effects. It’s quite possible we are doing a terrible disservice to our children when we are permissive about the dangers of marijuana. Though they are not usually headline news, there are serious and harmful effects associated with abusing marijuana.  Democrats, however, see no harm in joining in to take full advantage of the call for legalization, seeing as just another election tool in their toolbox. 

This despite the fact that chronic marijuana use and higher dosages are found to correlate with a greater incidence of psychosis and schizophrenia. This point is particularly significant due to the increases in drug potency over the last two decades.  While the average potency has risen from 3% tetrahydrocannabinol, aka THC, a couple of decades ago to 9% now, there are some samples of weed that measure as high as 25%. Heavy abusers of marijuana were found to suffer damage to social life, work or career status and cognitive ability. Schoolwork and the achievement of goals were also found to suffer.  But so what if a few lives are ruined if we can get more than a few Democrats elected.  Right?

But just what are the effects of marijuana legalization on society in the long-term? The truth is, we really don’t know. In Colorado and other states, the experiment is still too new to judge if its fruits are sweet or sour. Preliminary results are inconclusive. Unintended consequences are a given, but as with any major shift in cultural norms, we can only speculate on the future.  Those with no previous ties to the drug market will now have casual cannabis access. Law-abiding but curious types will try it out. Social circles will mingle. Usage will surely spread as habits tend to do. Workplaces will eventually relax their drug policies to adapt to a newly THC-infused labor force. So even within professional settings, pot may be normalized.

As adult use increases, teens will surely follow suit, spurred by both greater exposure and access. Kids will raid Dad’s marijuana jars just as they once did their liquor cabinets. Those who like what they find will only be a fake ID away from fueling their habits at will. Underage dealing will persist, and patterns of substance abuse will solidify still earlier in life.  Because the effects of marijuana are less pronounced than those of other drugs, and given the proliferation of “edible” THC products that can be consumed inconspicuously, in-school stoners will multiply.  With overall growth in marijuana use will come an increase in its aggregate negative effects on the population.  But Democrats view that simply as a necessary means to an end.

Now admittedly we probably won’t see crime waves, spikes in traffic accidents, or junkies roaming the streets, as some have speculated, because that’s not what pot does.  Rather, we can expect the results of a collective decrease in motivation and ambition.  There may be higher dropout rates and lower average levels of professional and academic achievement.  Civic engagement will likely drop, both because that takes effort and because cannabis doesn’t tend to foster attachment to social institutions. Habitual smokers are too content in their own worlds to involve themselves with the larger one around them.  And we already know that those who tend not to be involved vote Democrat or simply to stay home on Election Day.

So you see, it really doesn’t take much time, nor a great deal of effort, to recognize the ulterior motive behind the likes of Joe and the increasingly vocal Democrat push for a federal legalization of pot.  We already know that Democrats thrive on low-information voters, and what better way to keep voters uninterested in the world around them to actively encourage the use of a drug that seems to accomplish just that.  It’s disgusting the level to which Democrats will stoop in their continuing effort to acquire as much political power for themselves as they possibly can.  Because power is ALL Democrats care about, they care about nothing else.  And if that requires getting an untold number of people hooked on drugs, so be it.

1 comment:

  1. Well said!

    Conservatives stand for common sense. Liberals stand for whatever the opposite of common sense is because it's the only way they can be relevant.
