

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


All of their constant attempts to cast President Trump as behaving like a Nazi, notwithstanding, it would seem that it’s the Democrats themselves who are now exhibiting the type of behavior most often seen from those who wear the moniker of Nazi.  And yet another example of this now comes to us in the person of Senator Chris Murphy who is now calling on social media monopolies to “do more than take down one website,” meaning take down more websites in addition to ‘InfoWars’, which was de-platformed by YouTube, Facebook, and others just this past Monday.

It was this past Monday afternoon that this Nazi wannabe Tweeted :“Infowars [sic] is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart.  These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it.”  While that’s quite the overreach, obviously, what Murphy sees here is an opportunity to go around the First Amendment in his effort to kill free and open speech he disagrees with, and to accomplish that by using social media giants as his party’s hit squad.

You would have to be a complete moron not to realize that the Democrat Party, along with its many allies in the ‘fake news’ media, are now suffering from a new, and quite dangerous, level of desperation as they go about their effort to return America back to the pre-internet days when just a few corporations controlled the entire free flow of information, those corporations being the three television networks and a handful of newspapers and wire services.  And in trying to put that genie back into the bottle there seems to be nothing Murphy, or others in his party, will try.

So now it is once again that conservatives find themselves in the rather precarious position of being essentially at the mercy of what is just a handful, and very left-leaning, companies: Twitter, Facebook, Apple, YouTube, Pinterest, etc… And what Murphy and his left-wing confederates are now seeking is to virtually crush free speech, to control the flow of information, to strangle certain ideas in the crib, and to use these monopolies as a way to go back to the “good old days” when the left-wing establishment had pretty much full control over the dissemination of news.

And sadly, if we here in America had a press that was worth a damn, Mr. Murphy would be asked to provide a list of those “websites” that he would like to see de-platfomed and disappeared.  But what’s unfortunate for us is the fact that the same media outlets that claim their First Amendment right are being violated whenever they are criticized, are the very same ones who have now joined forces in this unholy and un-American crusade to silence their critics on the political right.  I suppose they view that as action taken for the best of the country.

What’s more, Murphy’s call for these big companies to remove websites is not a small deal. As a sitting U.S. Senator, this boob has the power to threaten and to regulate these corporations into doing his bidding.  In more ways than one InfoWars is the canary in the coalmine of free speech.  Now I’m no advocate for InfoWars, I’ve never watched one second, but I AM an advocate for free speech. I want to protect the rights of those who spread nonsense in the same way I want to protect the rights of organizations like CNN that spreads hate and foments violence.

In other words, I prefer a world where people are allowed to lie to a world where someone decides what is and is not a lie.  InfoWars being silenced tightens the free speech circle, brings the line closer to you and I, especially in a terrifying and chilling climate where the left-wing establishment is deciding how “lies and hate” are to be defined.  Killing the InfoWars canary, however, will also embolden the censors at CNN and those like Murphy in the political world. They see that dead canary as a success, and as a blueprint to come after the rest of us. And make no mistake, we are all next.

Finally, and this is important, what Murphy is calling for is even more extreme than what happened to InfoWars.  Murphy is calling for “websites” to be taken down — ENTIRE websites.  In deleting their accounts, what Facebook and YouTube did to Infowars is bad enough, but Jones still has his own site, his own outlet; and now we have a sitting United States Senator is calling for that to be removed.  So at the end of the day who is it that represents the greater threat, President Trump or the political party that has spawned sleazy, power-hungry individuals like Murphy.

So we have the Democrats at it again.  These Hitler wannabes are so blatant about their disgust of freedom for America, free speech is the cornerstone of the American Constitution and therefor it must be eradicated.  The totalitarian leftists must be defeated by the forces of freedom above all costs.  They must NEVER again be permitted to attain any level of political power if this Great Country is to have any chance of survival.  Because if, God forbid, they ever gain political power on the national level again, the future will suddenly become very, very dark.

What we have here is basically an attempt by those on the left to use social media to yet again accomplish that which they are unable to accomplish through the normal political process, and to move their agenda forward while keeping silent the voices of those who oppose them. This is very much akin to the way the Democrats have used the courts in this country to override the will of the American people on such issues as abortion and gay marriage. Using the courts to legislate from the bench is a clear cut violation of ‘Separation of Powers,’ and yet it continues.

Democrats suppression of free speech, daily harassment and assaults on conservatives in public venues, the intentional fabrication of collusion and conspiracy against a duly elected Republican president, the constant drum beat of insults and lies against this president and his supporters, a climate of visceral hate that they fomented to the point of the congressional softball shooting and over 500 documented assaults on American citizens are all aimed at those whose only sin was to vote their conscience.  ALL this and THEY call US fascists, Nazis and worse.

Murphy is typical of how the Democrat Party has become anti-America. People who vote for Democrats in the coming election cannot claim the moral high ground as they are supporting totalitarian principles which are in direct conflict with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Whether you are a liberal or conservative you should be worried about the views of those like Mr. Murphy. Connecticut's nickname is the Constitution state but both of its Senators have become rigid anti-We the People and it’s shameful that they support the globalist elites over their own citizens.

Oddly enough it’s by acting in concert to remove Alex Jones from the internet, that these social media companies are actually providing some level of credence, as well as legitimacy, to his conspiracy allegations.  I mean is there any doubt that they acted together in what was so very obviously a conspiratorial way?  And it’s at the same time that they are busy accusing Russia of meddling in the 2016 election that the very same people calling for the banning of Alex Jones, and other disagreeable websites, behave more and more like the Nazi they claim that President Trump is.  

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