

Saturday, March 17, 2018


Everything you need to know about Jeff Flake can be summed by the man’s own words as well as his actions. Because why is it that a man who has not a snowball’s chance in hell of EVER becoming president, not only of the United States but of the local PTA, would be sounding like that is his intent.  Flake has said that he feels it’s important that President Trump be made to face a primary challenger in 2020 and the soon to be ex-senator appears to consider himself the right guy for the job.

This past Friday while in New Hampshire at the “Politics and Eggs” event, it was Flake who made the rather bold statement that in the era of President Donald Trump, the Republican Party had surrendered to a “propaganda-fueled dystopian view of conservatism.”  And I thought it a rather odd thing to hear coming from a guy who was only able to get himself elected in the first place by pretending to be something that he most definitely is not, a conservative.  Is that not a form of propaganda?

Our esteemed Mr. Flake said, “There is nothing that will be more vital then to expunge from the American record then this frenzied attack on the truth. There are few jobs that will be more difficult than putting that particular horse back in the barn. Such is the power of the president to either build or destroy. And the irony should not escape us here that someone whose name became known to us as a builder would have such a penchant for destruction.” 

And he went on to say, “What does it say about conservatives that our message is so different than the words that my parents taught me, so different as to amount to a rejection of the optimistic vision of Ronald Reagan, the extraordinary decency of George H. W. Bush, the principled constitutionalism of Barry Goldwater?  What does it say that we have succumbed to what can only be described as a propaganda-fueled dystopian view of conservatism?”  This coming from he who is a faux conservative.

Flake is little more than an impostor who succeeded in infiltrating the Republican Party in much the same way that McCain, Graham, Collins and Murkowski managed to.  Flake has spent years advocating for bigger and bigger government and bigger deficits.  He never met an illegal he didn’t like and he tends to root for liberals and their causes.  He pretended to be a Tea Party type conservative, but the minute he was safely ensconced in office, he hit the ground acting like a liberal.

Go ahead Mr. Flake, run for president in 2020. To tell you the truth it might actually be fun to watch you further humiliate yourself and I’m sure it would bring more than a bit of laughter to us all.  Flake does not get it that his views and opinions are not popular and the main reason Arizona voters want him out, yet he keeps spewing his unpopular BS.  He chooses to ignore how corrupt the swamp is and fails to recognize that he’s part of the problem not part of the solution for this country.

Flake and a few other so-called Republicans have been living their own “propaganda-fueled dystopian view of conservatism”, a view completely isolated from the hopes and dreams of American workers and business.  They still can't see that ‘free trade’ agreements and open borders have failed American workers and are discriminating against American businesses. Trump has started to address these issues despite the ‘fake news’ of powerful interest groups and for this, Americans are grateful.

What is it exactly that Flake managed to accomplish in the Senate during the last 6 years, or in the House during the 12 years prior?  Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada, that’s what.  He’s done nothing but gripe about President Trump, and seemed a big fan of Barry ‘O’.  And if memory serves, he was the only Republican who went to Cuba with Barry.  I can't wait for this turncoat to finally leave the Senate.  My only regret is that we will still have to cover the cost of his ‘pension’ for decades.

What is funny about these NeverTrumpers is that they are so blind to their own arrogance. They have a President who has actually accomplished more conservative goals, in a shorter period of time, than any President since Reagan. They may not like Trump’s style. So what! Patton swore like a sailor and Churchill dictated letters to his secretary from the toilet. Yet without these two “classy” guys, we would have lost WW II.  What is important is how effective you are as a leader.

Trump has been very effective. As for his lying, politicians lie every time their lips move. Apparently, the NeverTrump people would have preferred the biggest serial liar on the planet, Hitlery.  So these people are either stupid or they are egomaniacs who can’t admit they were wrong.  Or, they are unprincipled DC creatures who could care less about conservative values or truth and are in it only for the money and power. What they really object to is that Trump has threatened their livelihood.

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