

Friday, September 1, 2017


The clowns there at the Crappy News Network (CNN) continue to take themselves way too seriously.  So seriously, in fact, that every once and a while they need to be brought back to reality, and what’s often the most effective way of doing that is with a sharp smack upside their head.  And yet no matter how many times that happens, it never seems to sink in through that thick skull of theirs that no one, and I do mean NO ONE, with any amount of intelligence, takes them nearly as seriously as they take themselves.  Which brings me to the recent exchange which took place between Kellyanne Conway and CNN’s dumb-as-a-brick Chris Cuomo.  The topic of this little discussion was Hurricane Harvey and Cuomo’s bizarre insistence that it was somehow related to…(wait for it)…’CLIMATE CHANGE!”

It was almost right out of the gate that Conway proceeded to take Cuomo to task for trying to shift the Hurricane Harvey conversation to ‘climate change’ during a recent Wednesday night interview.  Cuomo said, “One of the themes that’s coming out of this…is opening up a discussion about climate change.”  And then he proceed to ask, “Is the president, is the administration, open to that conversation?”  Conway responded by telling Cuomo, “Chris, we’re literally trying to help the people whose lives are under water and you want to have a conversation about climate change.”  Cuomo argued that examining the role of ‘climate change’ could reduce the number of people affected by storms, to which Conway snarked, “are you really going to play climatologist?”

Cuomo then proceeded to whine, “You berated me for asking the question and made it sound like I don’t care about the situation.”  Conway answered back by saying, “Here’s the deal: you play amateur climatologist tonight and I’ll play professional helper to those in need.”  Then she went on to say, “That’s what I’m going to do. That’s what we’re going to do here.”  Cuomo snapped back that helping people doesn’t need to exclude a conversation about ‘climate change’, to which Conway said, “I’ll come back [to talk about that].”  So is it me, what does having a conversation about something that science says does not exist, ‘man made climate change’, actually do to help those people who have essentially lost EVERYTHING?  People like Cuomo live in what can only be seen as a logic free zone. 

Hey Chris how about this little fact.  For the last 10+ years the number of hurricanes has been way below normal as has the number of tornadoes.  One storm hits in all that time and all of a suddenly it’s because of ‘climate change?’  And you know, it’s kind of funny when a guy who never took a real math class, never took a real science class and who never would have attended a decent school had it not for the fact that his daddy was governor, tries to talk science.  Cuomo belongs someplace on the Jersey shore, not on a supposed ‘news’ program.  Cuomo, the guy with the slicked back hair, the vacant eyes and the confused look.  All he needs to complete the look is an IROC Camaro with and a girlfriend in a bikini and heels.  This boob is about as far removed from being a ‘journalist’ as one can get.

But having said all that, I think we can all agree that the climate is almost certainly changing to one degree or another, it would be strange if it were not, since it has changed numerous times throughout the Earth's history. The question is why?  Does it occur naturally or is it being caused by man?  The data that is available today, at least that which has not yet been manipulated, seems to support the fact that it is cyclical.  There is no scientific proof, or empirical evidence, that says carbon emissions cause ‘global warming.’  What we have is frequently manipulated, often inconsistently collected data supplied by government or various UN sources, along with faulty computer models which use manufactured data to spit out reports that tell us that carbon dioxide is raising the earth's temperature.

Then, the supposition is then made that man is almost entirely responsible for this rise in carbon dioxide, which cannot be accurately measured.  And furthermore we’re then told that this rise in carbon dioxide is THE single most important reason why the temperature (as determined by the aforementioned faulty/manipulated/concocted data) has risen 1/2 of 1 degree over the last century, even though there is no way to prove any of this scientifically.  And yet, somehow I’m the one being referred to as a ‘flat-earther’, or worse, by those like this boob, Cuomo, who hasn’t got a clue what he’s talking about when it comes to this, or any other important topic.  If you’ve spent any amount of time watching this boob, it’s more often than not that every time he opens his mouth nothing but shit falls out.

If ‘climate change’, ‘global warming’, ‘climate disruption’ or whatever the left insists upon calling it, was actually occurring then why is it that those on the left, both in and out of government and within the U.N., are forced to go to the extremes that we know they go to in order to fudge the data.  Plus if old Algore believes the oceans are rising then why did he buy such a significant piece of ocean front real estate in California?  I must admit that Gore has been a genius in the way he has gone about making money off of his little scam, all while leaving a carbon footprint 100 times that of your average little guy.  He is why people don’t believe in global warming, because he doesn’t practice what he preaches.  He thinks he’s better and smarter than us deplorables, and thinks we’re stupid enough to fall for his idiotic drivel. 

So, here is what we know about ‘climate change’ and what we must do to stop it:  Temperatures are rising (except when they’re not), and rising temperatures are very bad.  Rising temperatures are caused entirely by humans and cow farts.  Temperatures have risen and fallen for millions of years, but that doesn’t matter because humans weren’t able to stop it then, but somehow now we can.  The planet will die unless we tax ourselves into oblivion and redistribute our wealth worldwide so that third-world countries can release more carbon.  The U.S. must “lead” by setting an example that we all know China and India will never follow, and it will have absolutely no effect on temperatures.  And those who question the “scientific consensus” must be fascists, white supremacists, bigots or racists.  Any questions?  

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