

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


At last count, there are over 60 Democrats who have now made it known that they intend to continue with their little tantrum by refusing to attend President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration this Friday, simply because their candidate didn’t win.  Which, I suppose should come as no surprise.  After all, remember all those Republicans who refused to attend both of Barry’s inaugurations.  Oh wait a minute, that’s right, THERE WEREN’T ANY!  And that despite the fact that the Republican candidates were defeated, and even though the Democrats had employed their typical slash and burn tactics regarding the politics of personal destruction comprised of rumor, slander and innuendo and even though there had been well-documented, and very pervasive, voter fraud.  Republicans still put country above politics, and chose to behave like adults.  These days you’d be pretty hard-pressed to find an actual adult anywhere near the Democrat Party.

What follows here is a list of just some of the Democrat ‘snowflakes’ who are planning to skip Trump’s swearing-in ceremony: Reps. John Lewis, Steve Cohen, Jerrold Nadler, Don Beyer, Mark Takano, Yvette Clarke, Ted Liu, Raul Grijalva, John Conyers, Mark Desaulnier, Rep. Nydia Velazquez, Kurt Schrader, Pramila Jayapal, William Lacy Clay, Barbara Lee, Jos Serrano, Judy Chu, Luis Gutierrez, Jared Huffman, Katherine Clark, Earl Blumenauer, Karen Bass, Keith Ellison, Adriano Espaillat, Mark Pocan, Maxine Waters, Marcia Fudge, Al Green, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Anthony Brown, Chellie Pingree, John Yarmouth, Dwight Evans, Zoe Lofgren, Grace Napolitano, Raul Ruiz, Adam Smith, Darren Sotto, Ruben Gallego, G.K. Butterfield, Joaquin Castro, Tony Cardenas, Mike Doyle, Carol Shea-Porter, Donald M. Payne, Alma Adams, Brendan F. Boyle, Robert A. Brady, Frederica Wilson, Jerry McNerney, and last, Peter A. DeFazio and more.

And while, to my knowledge, no Democrat senators have yet indicated they intend to skip the inauguration, at least thus far, the ‘Communist News Network (CNN) has suggested that Democrat Chuckie Schumer has left the door open for those deciding to do so.  Because you see, it was Chuckie who apparently said, “I think each person has to make the choice on their own, but I don’t begrudge those who have said they’re boycotting. Each person can make his or her own decision.”  Dozens of Democrat lawmakers announced they would not attend the inauguration after ‘legendary’ civil rights activist Rep. John Lewis stated that he does not believe Trump is a “legitimate president,” that he is “wrong” for the nation, and that this is the first inauguration at which he will not be present.  Lewis seems to think this “civil rights” thing of his provides him with the luxury of saying anything he wants with a certain degree of immunity.  It most assuredly does not!

And it was soon after he made this claim of his that a report surfaced which showed that Lewis had also skipped George W. Bush’s inauguration because he did not believe Bush was the true elected president, thus it would be hypocritical for him to attend.  Trump wasted little time in tweeting, “John Lewis said about my inauguration, ‘It will be the first one that I’ve missed.’ WRONG (or lie)! He boycotted Bush 43 also because he thought it would be hypocritical to attend Bush’s swearing-in….he doesn’t believe Bush is the true elected president.’ Sound familiar!”  Now I’m sure that Lewis remembered full well that he had acted just as childishly in 2001 as he is acting today, but he was likely confident that no one would be calling him on it.  And for the most part, he was pretty much correct.  However, an interesting question was posed by black journalist Crystal Wright, who asked what it is that Lewis has managed to do since his days at Selma.  Obviously not all that much.  

And New Hampshire Democrat Rep. Carol Shea-Porter noted that instead of attending the inauguration she’ll go to religious services to “pray for all of our leaders and people.”  Shea-Porter represents a congressional district that Trump won.  In fact, Trump won more votes than Shea-Porter did.  Shea-Porter received 162,080 votes in her district while Trump received 179,259 in the same district.  And it was Jeanie Forrester, who is running for chair of the New Hampshire Republican Party, who sent out a tweet pointing this out:  Forrester, who is running uncontested and has received the backing of Gov. Chris Sununu, will face elections on Jan. 28.  And it was in response to the Democrats skipping the inauguration, that Rep. Sean Duffy, Republican, said, “Put your big boy pants on.”  He added, “and let’s start working together.”  But I seriously doubt any of these Democrat ‘snowflakes’ even own a pair of ‘big boy pants.’

And ya know, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to find out that at least some of these pathetic crybaby-Democrats actually plan on giving up their seat to some butthurt-snowflake-protestor who will be only too glad to stand up and scream during the reading of the oath of office and Trump’s Speech.  After all, that’s how these malcontents operate.  While we, as a nation, were successful in dodging one big bullet with the defeat of Hitlery, we need to remain vigilant because there are those, both Democrats and some Republicans, who will stop at nothing to make sure the country remains on the path that Barry put it.  And just as important, Trump will need to keep the many promises that he made to those who made his victory possible.  And as long as he does, it will come to further prove the point that the Democrat Party has no interest in “Making America Great Again”, their only interest seems to be in destroying America.

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